iPad_Sep2_AApple’s iOS is one of the most secure and reliable mobile operating systems out there, but it also comes with a lot of restrictions. The App Store is strongly protected, and it’s almost impossible to install third-party applications without jailbreaking your iPad device. While jailbreaking can provide you with greater flexibility to configure your iPad, it can also expose your device to potential threats. Here are a few security risks that you should keep in mind.

What is jailbreaking?

In a nutshell, jailbreaking is the act of removing hardware and software restrictions on Apple’s iOS, or otherwise making modifications to the device without Apple’s authorization. When you jailbreak your iPad you can install third-party software from external sources, and also manually download files from the Internet. You can change your iPad’s default look, too, and feel, as well as make a number of system tweaks that render your device more useful.

Why you should NOT jailbreak

We advise against jailbreaking. But this is not just our opinion – even Apple says the same in its technical support base articles addressing the issue. Here are some of the reasons jailbreaking is a bad idea.

1. Third-party apps are dangerous – Apple closely monitors its App Store for good reason: because malicious apps can wreak havoc on your device. Downloading and installing applications that haven’t been approved by Apple is risky in many ways. Unofficial apps may contain malware that could slow your device down, steal your sensitive information, eavesdrop on private communications – the list goes on.

2. Say goodbye to warranty cover – Although it’s perfectly legal to jailbreak your iPad, Apple has made it clear that jailbroken devices will no longer be protected under their warranty service coverage. If you mess up the process and can’t restore the device yourself, you’re basically on your own.

3. No more iOS updates – When you jailbreak your iOS device, you’re unable to update to the latest iOS versions. Technically you can, but you’ll lose your jailbreak, meaning you have to re-jailbreak your device and then re-install all your jailbroken apps and extensions. What’s more, if you decide to update your iOS you may have to sit out and wait for an updated jailbreak version to become available, which could take days, weeks, or even months.

4. Device instability – This is one of the biggest reasons why you should stay away from jailbreaking; it can lead to random reboots, and devices not working properly. You may find that your iPad crashes more often, that certain key features and apps no longer work as they normally would, and that your battery life becomes much shorter.

5. The need for jailbreaking is diminishing – The main benefit of jailbreaking, in most cases, is to modify the system in ways which Apple wouldn’t normally allow. But as Apple adds more features to iOS, the same need for jailbroken apps which provide those features is no longer there. For instance, some jailbreak tweaks allow for inter-app data sharing and split-screen multitasking, both of which are being introduced in the latest iOS version.

The detrimental effects of jailbreaking far outweigh the benefits, so why jailbreak your iPad for some minor tweaks when you can wait for Apple to release a more stable update? If you want more iPad tips, get in touch with us today.