Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

no-music China is turning the keen gaze of its beady censorship eye to the world of online music as part of its latest crackdown on the Internet. Read More
pavel-looking-up It’s been a whirlwind few days for messaging app Telegram. The service, founded by Pavel Durov who created ‘Russia’s Facebook,’ first found itself (briefly) booted from the Google Play store on account of sticker drama, before a major DDOS hit its servers. Read More
cannon China is widely suspect to be behind the recent attacks on Github and internet freedom group Great Fire. Now we have the most concrete evidence that indeed it was, and it looks like it did so using a new weapon to boot. Read More
china flag Reuters has joined Bloomberg, New York Times and Wall Street Journal in being blocked in China. Reuters itself reported that its website was not reachable in the country today. Read More
Screenshot 2015-03-02 18.54.07 Popular security software company Avast is the latest overseas technology company to get caught in China’s censorship net after users began reporting that its service and website were blocked inside the country. Read More
typing China began cracking down on VPN services last month, and now the country’s internet regulator has turned its attention to domestic websites and services. New regulations announced by the Cyberspace Administration of China today [link in Chinese] require users of social media, websites, forums, and other online services to register their real name and official ID from March 1. Read More
Responding to recent move to block virtual private network services in the world's most populated country, a Chinese official said on Tuesday that it will uphold scrutiny in order to keep pace with the rapid development of the internet.
Demonstrators hold placards with some featuring a picture of Turkey's PM Erdogan during a protest against internet censorship in Istanbul When Google and Twitter receive legal threats from countries to censor controversial content or have their services shut down locally, they often publish them on for transparency. But today when Facebook followed Turkey’s legal order to block Pages that defamed the Prophet Muhammad from Turkish users, it kept the demand private. Rather than get banned, Mark… Read More
china flag China is cracking down on VPNs, software that allows internet users to Twitter, Facebook, Gmail and others services blocked in the country, according to state media and service providers. Read More
The digital policy group representing giants such as Google, Yahoo7, Facebook, and eBay in Australia have slammed the Australian government's use of the Telecommunications Act to compel ISPs to block websites.
Evernote China Yinxiang Biji Evernote’s Chinese service, Yinxiang Biji, has temporarily disabled its public note feature, a spokesperson confirmed to TechCrunch today. It’s unclear why public notes was taken down or when it will be restored. We’ve asked the company for more information. Yinxiang Biji (a separate service launched by Evernote especially for China) users can continue sharing and… Read More
Global Times, the outspoken government-backed newspaper, said in an editorial that internet users should accept the blocking of services in the country as there must be some new development or major concerns on safety issues.