Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

IMG_8451 Phones! TVs! Washing machines! Fridges! Tablets, probably! Samsung makes everything, and CES is the South Korean company’s version of Christmas morning. That said, we have an excessive team of TechCrunchers covering the event, complete with the very live blog you’re reading right now. We’ll show you the phones, the TVs, the washing machines and driers and fridges and even… Read More
Gadgets_Unveiled_Ring_GestureDevice_Thumb It’s been almost a year since Takuro Yoshida and his team blew up Kickstarter with the Ring, a wearable that uses simple wand-like gestures to control gadgets in the home. Promises abounded: You’ll be able to control the lights in your home with the flick of a finger. You’ll be able to change the song on your iPhone, turn up the music, or even snap a photo. Read More