Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

photonic While walking through startups at Eureka Park at CES with Darrell Etherington doing live interviews with founders, I forced him to chat with Photonic, a startup that makes nifty orbs that translate your dance moves into beats, while I demoed the device besides them. Read More
Screenshot 2015-01-09 at 16.48.55 We saw a number of companies launch apps for video stabilization in the last year — including Instagram’s Hyperlapse for iOS — and Apple brought stabilized video to the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus camera. Now,  Imint wants to do something similar for Android phones with the launch of Vidhance Mobile. Before you get too excited, though, it’s worth noting that Imint… Read More
auroratek AuroraTek CEO William Alek told me that the real star of the booth was a very special electrical transformer that could output more power than you put it. That goes against a fundamental law of physics. Read More
LR3A0218 If it’s up to Robotbase, you’ll soon be coming home and a robot will greet you at the door. While you were away, the Robotbase Personal Robot patrolled your home, made sure the temperature was lowered when you left, maybe locked the door after you were gone and, through its built-in camera, allowed you to check in on your dog, too. Robotbase is launching its Kickstarter campaign… Read More
IMG_0020-0 CES Hardware Battlefield participant LyteShot is working on an alternate-reality gaming alternative to playing with traditional NERF guns. Its solution relies on wireless “guns” and sensors — known as the Lyter and LytePuck, respectively — that essentially act as more affordable laser-tag rigs. Read More
ozobot3 One of the bigger evolutions in education has been the push to get kids to become more computer-literate, yet one of the hardest hurdles has been making the process of learning and writing programming languages less dry. A startup out of southern California has found an innovative way of tackling this, using a golfball-sized robot that follows trails that you draw using fat, colored felt… Read More
IMG_4867 At its CES press conference, Nvidia today announced the Drive CX, a digital cockpit for cars that is based on the company’s new X1 processor. It will include an advanced visual computing architecture. It can power 16.6 megapixels for cars that have multiple screens — that significantly more than even the iMac 5K Retina display’s 15 million pixels. Read More
Parrot Pot 02 When you think of Parrot, chances are you are thinking about the A.R. Drone or it’s recently launched Bebop drone. But as the company’s CEO Henri Seydoux told me in an interview earlier today, drones are only one area of interest for the company. Parrot is interested in everything that connects to the smartphone and these days, that includes your house plants. The company… Read More
IMG_4854 At a press conference in Las Vegas, Nvidia today announced an update to its highly successful Tegra K1 mobile processor. The X1 combines a 64-bit ARM_based processor with a graphics chip based on the company’s Maxwell architecture. The K1 used Nvidia’s older Kepler GPU technology. The X1 will feature a 256-core Maxwell GPU and an eight-core 64bit CPU. That, the company says, makes… Read More