Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

Unveiled late last year in Amsterdam, the Docker orchestration services designed to facilitate multi-container distributed apps can now be downloaded.
Along with detailing how data is distributed across machines, the latest version of the MySQL Cluster database is billed as offering better performance and easier system upgrades.
NextDC's investments in infrastructure are paying off after the company reported its first period of positive EBITDA and operating cash flow during the first half of the 2015 financial year.
Uptake of Docker containers stands to get a further boost from integration work to put Google's Kubernetes on OpenStack, according to Mirantis.
The two facilities, built in Ireland and Denmark, will run entirely on renewable energy.
The arrival of the stats API in Docker is the cue for Logentries to offer container-level insights into usage and performance for production environments.
Along with significant performance improvements, Docker says release 1.5 offers a number of useful new abilities, including IPv6 support and a view of resource-usage statistics.
With cluster management a persistently big issue, recently-launched Amazon container service ECS is aiming to show how it can integrate with Apache Mesos and Marathon.
Flocker firm ClusterHQ points to its series A funding round announced today as proof of the long-term potential of Docker and container technology.
The meteoric rise of Docker's container technology over the past year risked putting strains on the project that its new structure will address, says recently-appointed chief operator Steve Francia.
IBM's workforce rebalancing is as predictable as the seasons, but it's a stretch to think Big Blue is cutting more than 100,000 employees.
California Wind Farm Amazon today announced that it is working with the Pattern Energy Group to construct and operate a 150 megawatt wind farm in Benton County, Indiana. The new wind farm will go online in about a year and the expectation is that it will supply at least 500,000 megawatt hours of wind power annually. That’s enough to power about 46,000 U.S. homes, but the “Amazon Web Services Wind… Read More