Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

BusinessIntelligence_Apr28_AEveryone knows that business intelligence is of vital importance to ensure that a company grows and develops, but the business intelligence of today differs greatly from that which was talked about in the past. Much has changed in the world of business intelligence in recent years, and if you are stuck in your old ways then you are not doing all you can to advance your organization forwards. Be on the lookout for these woefully outdated mistruths in your approach to business intelligence – and then be prepared to kick them into touch – so as to propel your company to the next level.

Business intelligence should be simple

For too long now, business owners have been fed the idea by business intelligence tool providers that the means by which we understand our organization’s success should be as easy to digest as possible. That has led companies to take an overly simplified view of business intelligence. It is one that just doesn’t deliver the same depth of useful analytical detail that we need if we are going to really understand what’s behind growth (or lack of it). Nor does it allow us to genuinely develop a sense for the direction our companies need to be moving in – and how to get them there.

While simple business intelligence tools will work just fine for some organizations, the majority of us need to be demanding more complex, sophisticated tools to manipulate and generate value from the wealth of data that is at our fingertips. We are in an era where there is still value to be gained, but you have to dig a little deeper for it – and if you’re using outdated software that just isn’t up to the job, you’re going to struggle.

Big data is the be-all, end-all

We have no problem with big data – large-scale changes in industry practices, and our understanding of the ways our businesses work and grow, depend on it. But there’s a mammoth difference between using big data for the sake of it – because we’ve got into the mentality that its ability to deliver industry-wide improvements means it’s the magic cure for our organizations – and putting in place solutions that enable our front-line staff to actually use it.

After all, what’s the point in generating terabytes and terabytes of information if our outdated business intelligence tools aren’t capable of empowering non-technical staff to gain true insights into customer behavior, sales patterns and the like? Recent business intelligence sector developments mean that our companies can benefit from quality tools to visualize simple data collections, but the ability to do the same on a larger scale is still lacking. The lesson? If you’re looking to reap the rewards of large-scale data collection, equip your team with the tools that allow them to perform quality analysis.

The cloud alone is the answer

“The cloud” is the IT industry’s latest buzzword, but too often it gets touted around as an all-round solution that will solve each of our woes, without us really understanding its true purpose or how we can get the most from it. This is particularly the case in relation to business intelligence, where company owners are frequently led to believe that they can instantly enhance their business intelligence capabilities simply by moving everything upstairs to the cloud.

We’re big fans of the cloud and believe that with proper understanding and implementation it can pay real dividends. But the truth is that simply repeating your usual business intelligence routine – but doing so in the cloud – isn’t going to change much. If your business intelligence tools are too conventional and don’t offer enough flexibility, that will still be the case even if you put cloud technology over the top of them. It’s important to address the underlying issues before you contemplate a move to the cloud, so that you can truly reap the advantages of both changes.

If you’re guilty of being stuck with an outdated, or just off-center, view of business intelligence, give us a call to see how we can update you and help you to get the most out of it.

BusinessIntelligence_Apr28_BWhat does business intelligence mean to you and your company? Most business owners think they have a pretty good idea, when the reality is that our grasp on this most vital of business tools is all too often outdated and no longer fit for purpose. Just like other concepts and tools inside and beyond the corporate world, the ideas behind business intelligence have seen dramatic changes in recent years – fuelled not least by the arrival of a new generation of entrepreneurs who have set out to do things differently. If you can still see these outdated beliefs in your approach to business intelligence, it’s time to change.

Business intelligence should be simple

For too long now, business owners have been fed the idea by business intelligence tool providers that the means by which we understand our organization’s success should be as easy to digest as possible. That has led companies to take an overly simplified view of business intelligence. It is one that just doesn’t deliver the same depth of useful analytical detail that we need if we are going to really understand what’s behind growth (or lack of it). Nor does it allow us to genuinely develop a sense for the direction our companies need to be moving in – and how to get them there.

While simple business intelligence tools will work just fine for some organizations, the majority of us need to be demanding more complex, sophisticated tools to manipulate and generate value from the wealth of data that is at our fingertips. We are in an era where there is still value to be gained, but you have to dig a little deeper for it – and if you’re using outdated software that just isn’t up to the job, you’re going to struggle.

Big data is the be-all, end-all

We have no problem with big data – large-scale changes in industry practices, and our understanding of the ways our businesses work and grow, depend on it. But there’s a mammoth difference between using big data for the sake of it – because we’ve got into the mentality that its ability to deliver industry-wide improvements means it’s the magic cure for our organizations – and putting in place solutions that enable our front-line staff to actually use it.

After all, what’s the point in generating terabytes and terabytes of information if our outdated business intelligence tools aren’t capable of empowering non-technical staff to gain true insights into customer behavior, sales patterns and the like? Recent business intelligence sector developments mean that our companies can benefit from quality tools to visualize simple data collections, but the ability to do the same on a larger scale is still lacking. The lesson? If you’re looking to reap the rewards of large-scale data collection, equip your team with the tools that allow them to perform quality analysis.

The cloud alone is the answer

“The cloud” is the IT industry’s latest buzzword, but too often it gets touted around as an all-round solution that will solve each of our woes, without us really understanding its true purpose or how we can get the most from it. This is particularly the case in relation to business intelligence, where company owners are frequently led to believe that they can instantly enhance their business intelligence capabilities simply by moving everything upstairs to the cloud.

We’re big fans of the cloud and believe that with proper understanding and implementation it can pay real dividends. But the truth is that simply repeating your usual business intelligence routine – but doing so in the cloud – isn’t going to change much. If your business intelligence tools are too conventional and don’t offer enough flexibility, that will still be the case even if you put cloud technology over the top of them. It’s important to address the underlying issues before you contemplate a move to the cloud, so that you can truly reap the advantages of both changes.

If you’re guilty of being stuck with an outdated, or just off-center, view of business intelligence, give us a call to see how we can update you and help you to get the most out of it.

BusinessIntelligence_Apr28_CIf you think you understand business intelligence and its importance, think again. Plenty of business owners think they have a realistic grasp on this tool that can and should inform your organization’s decisions and help you to plan for growth and development. But, in reality, many have a concept of business intelligence that is grounded in outdated practice. If it’s been a while since you gave yourself a refresher on what business intelligence really means, what it can do for your company and what you need to do to draw the most from it, then keep your eyes open for these mistruths and be prepared to show them the door.

Business intelligence should be simple

For too long now, business owners have been fed the idea by business intelligence tool providers that the means by which we understand our organization’s success should be as easy to digest as possible. That has led companies to take an overly simplified view of business intelligence. It is one that just doesn’t deliver the same depth of useful analytical detail that we need if we are going to really understand what’s behind growth (or lack of it). Nor does it allow us to genuinely develop a sense for the direction our companies need to be moving in – and how to get them there.

While simple business intelligence tools will work just fine for some organizations, the majority of us need to be demanding more complex, sophisticated tools to manipulate and generate value from the wealth of data that is at our fingertips. We are in an era where there is still value to be gained, but you have to dig a little deeper for it – and if you’re using outdated software that just isn’t up to the job, you’re going to struggle.

Big data is the be-all, end-all

We have no problem with big data – large-scale changes in industry practices, and our understanding of the ways our businesses work and grow, depend on it. But there’s a mammoth difference between using big data for the sake of it – because we’ve got into the mentality that its ability to deliver industry-wide improvements means it’s the magic cure for our organizations – and putting in place solutions that enable our front-line staff to actually use it.

After all, what’s the point in generating terabytes and terabytes of information if our outdated business intelligence tools aren’t capable of empowering non-technical staff to gain true insights into customer behavior, sales patterns and the like? Recent business intelligence sector developments mean that our companies can benefit from quality tools to visualize simple data collections, but the ability to do the same on a larger scale is still lacking. The lesson? If you’re looking to reap the rewards of large-scale data collection, equip your team with the tools that allow them to perform quality analysis.

The cloud alone is the answer

“The cloud” is the IT industry’s latest buzzword, but too often it gets touted around as an all-round solution that will solve each of our woes, without us really understanding its true purpose or how we can get the most from it. This is particularly the case in relation to business intelligence, where company owners are frequently led to believe that they can instantly enhance their business intelligence capabilities simply by moving everything upstairs to the cloud.

We’re big fans of the cloud and believe that with proper understanding and implementation it can pay real dividends. But the truth is that simply repeating your usual business intelligence routine – but doing so in the cloud – isn’t going to change much. If your business intelligence tools are too conventional and don’t offer enough flexibility, that will still be the case even if you put cloud technology over the top of them. It’s important to address the underlying issues before you contemplate a move to the cloud, so that you can truly reap the advantages of both changes.

If you’re guilty of being stuck with an outdated, or just off-center, view of business intelligence, give us a call to see how we can update you and help you to get the most out of it.

The City of Edina holds a “Walk with the Mayor” every month.

Mayor Jim Hovland will lead this month’s walk at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 18, at Rosland Park, 4300 W. 66th St.

“Rosland Park is a wonderful venue for a spring walk,” Hovland said. “Birds will be migrating and ducks should be back in the marsh area. There should be some native plants in bloom as well and there is always that opportunity for good conversation among residents as we walk the trail around the park.”


With more than 20 acres of land, and offering new playground equipment, a baseball field, DISC GOLF, a fishing pier and more, Rosland Park has something for everyone.

“The walk is a great time to get some exercise and have enjoy some good small group time with the Mayor to hear of developments and discuss anything else about Edina,” said Recreation Supervisor Donna Tilsner, who encourages all to join the group.

Walkers should plan to meet under the park shelter.

Walks with the Mayor are held on the third Saturday of each month at 9 a.m.

For more information on the Walk with the Mayor, contact Tilsner, 952-833-9571.

Edina Rotary Club Meeting – Darrell Thompson – 3/19/15

Thank you to Edina Channel 16 & The Rotary Club of Edina.

Office Vibe – 100% Anonymous? Hardly not. The company I work at has been using this poorly put together piece of software. I accidentally signed my own tenancy up and saw what a manager would see. This software to me is annoying and could be done internally. Why would we pay someone to tell us certain trends when Google already does it for us. is a joke of a product. If anyone is thinking of paying them to do testing on your company – think again, the result from what is going to spawn from this 100% anonymous tag they post in the footer of the email survey’s they put out is 100% a lie.

I tried to call OfficeVibe and have my account removed but seeing that I am not the manager they will not delete my data. I replied back and said I would not be participating as OfficeVibe lies.

In my opinion this is a huge breach of my privacy and security.

Please share my article if your company uses OfficeVibe.

The City’s next online discussion is now available at The discussion, which focuses on street lighting, is available until March 31. Public street lighting helps provide residents with a feeling of safety and security at night. However, some believe that street lighting is invasive, bothersome or wasteful. In the discussion, the City asks what residents think about the current level of street lighting, whether more or less lighting is needed and where, and what kind of lighting they prefer. The feedback gathered from the discussion will be presented to the City Council April 21. This month, the City has been gathering feedback on drive-thrus. Questions included whether residents think the City should prohibit new drive-thrus, what residents’ general opinions of drive-thrus are, what types of businesses work best with drivethrus, and whether or not residents have any environmental or health concerns about idling cars in drive-thrus. Feedback from this discussion will be compiled and presented to the City Council March 17. To weigh in on a discussion, visit

The City of Edina’s Heritage Preservation Board is calling for nominations for the 13th-annual Heritage Award.The Heritage Award is given to a deserving local business, person or neighborhood for achievements in preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and use of Edina’s historical places.

It was established in 2003 to showcase local preservation activity happening on properties located within the City of Edina. Any individual, company or organization is eligible for the award, including non-residents, but in order to be considered, the historic property or resource must be located in Edina. Current members of the Heritage Preservation Board and past recipients are not eligible for the award.Winners of this award are dedicated to restoring and preserving the integrity of a historical landmark, business, item or area. Senior Planner Joyce Repya, who serves as staff liaison to the Heritage Preservation Board, encourages residents to recognize notable Edina landmarks and properties. “The Heritage Award provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate a property in the community that has not only embraced its past, but also maintained its vitality into the future,” she said.

Previous winners include the Arthur Erickson House on Londonderry Road, Southdale Center, the Convention Grill, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, a colonial revival home in the Edina Country Club District, the Coddington House on Blake Road, Edina Morningside Community Church, the historic Sly Farmhouse on Brookview Avenue, the Morningside Neighborhood, Edina Cinema for their iconic sign and the Baird House on 50th Street.


Houses for Sale in Edina Minnesota

See all Real estate in the city of Edina.
(all data current as of 4/4/2015)

  1. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 2,200 sq ft
    Lot size: 8,319 sqft
    Listed with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate All Seasons
    Broker reciprocity icon
  2. 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 4,546 sq ft
    Lot size: 1.25 ac
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  3. 4 beds, 3 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 4,583 sq ft
    Lot size: 7,840 sqft
    Listed with Gene Bassett Realty Inc
    Broker reciprocity icon
  4. 5 beds, 1 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 2,965 sq ft
    Lot size: 17,467 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  5. 5 beds, 2 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 4,269 sq ft
    Lot size: 21,780 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  6. 5 beds, 2 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 6,428 sq ft
    Lot size: 33,541 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  7. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,858 sq ft
    Lot size: 9,583 sqft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon
  8. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,110 sq ft
    Lot size: 6,969 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  9. 1 bed, 1 full bath
    Home size: 776 sq ft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon
  10. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,446 sq ft
    Lot size: 19,035 sqft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon
  11. 1 bed, 1 full bath
    Home size: 815 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  12. 5 beds, 3 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 4,506 sq ft
    Lot size: 15,681 sqft
    Listed with Keller Williams Realty Integrity-Edina
    Broker reciprocity icon
  13. 2 beds, 1 full bath
    Home size: 850 sq ft
    Listed with RES Realty
    Broker reciprocity icon
  14. 4 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 3,721 sq ft
    Lot size: 11,761 sqft
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  15. 2 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 1,774 sq ft
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  16. 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 3,312 sq ft
    Lot size: 15,507 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  17. 2 beds, 1 full bath
    Home size: 862 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  18. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,045 sq ft
    Listed with Laukka Realty, Inc
    Broker reciprocity icon
  19. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,300 sq ft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  20. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,493 sq ft
    Lot size: 7,840 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  21. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,088 sq ft
    Listed with Hendrickson Homes Real Estate
    Broker reciprocity icon
  22. 4 beds, 2 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 3,975 sq ft
    Lot size: 17,162 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  23. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,200 sq ft
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  24. 4 beds, 2 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 3,003 sq ft
    Lot size: 9,583 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  25. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,996 sq ft
    Lot size: 6,708 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  26. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,323 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  27. 1 bed, 1 full bath
    Home size: 719 sq ft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  28. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,585 sq ft
    Lot size: 15,855 sqft
    Listed with Home Avenue - FSBO
    Broker reciprocity icon
  29. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,526 sq ft
    Lot size: 2,178 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  30. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,020 sq ft
    Lot size: 19,471 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  31. 5 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 3,150 sq ft
    Lot size: 7,535 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  32. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 3,002 sq ft
    Lot size: 4,878 sqft
    Listed with Real Estate Nexus
    Broker reciprocity icon
  33. 1 bed, 1 full bath
    Home size: 764 sq ft
    Listed with Southland Realty
    Broker reciprocity icon
  34. 1 bed, 1 full bath
    Home size: 829 sq ft
    Listed with Counselor Realty, Inc
    Broker reciprocity icon
  35. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,110 sq ft
    Lot size: 11,848 sqft
    Listed with Real Estate Trader of MN, Inc
    Broker reciprocity icon
  36. 5 beds, 4 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 3,923 sq ft
    Lot size: 11,064 sqft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon
  37. 5 beds, 4 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 4,060 sq ft
    Lot size: 6,446 sqft
    Listed with Real Estate Group LLC
    Broker reciprocity icon
  38. 4 beds, 2 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 3,750 sq ft
    Lot size: 8,450 sqft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon
  39. 4 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 2,144 sq ft
    Lot size: 7,405 sqft
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  40. 2 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,600 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  41. 3 beds, 1 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 1,338 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  42. 4 beds, 1 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 3,535 sq ft
    Lot size: 6,534 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  43. 2 beds, 1 full bath
    Home size: 1,010 sq ft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  44. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 4,442 sq ft
    Lot size: 31,798 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  45. 2 beds, 1 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 2,793 sq ft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  46. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,640 sq ft
    Lot size: 17,380 sqft
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  47. 3 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,101 sq ft
    Lot size: 10,062 sqft
    Listed with Keller Williams Premier Realty
    Broker reciprocity icon
  48. 3 beds, 3 full baths
    Home size: 2,883 sq ft
    Listed with RE/MAX Advantage Plus
    Broker reciprocity icon
  49. 5 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 4,013 sq ft
    Lot size: 13,503 sqft
    Listed with Edina Realty, Inc.
    Broker reciprocity icon
  50. 4 beds, 1 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 2,716 sq ft
    Lot size: 10,236 sqft
    Listed with RE/MAX Results
    Broker reciprocity icon

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.

Edina Rotary is a big part of Skip’s life, Skip has been very involved since joining, he now is in the process of recruiting his own son, Stephen Thomas who works at an IT Consulting Firm in the Twin Cities, Imagine IT. Skip has benefited from being an active member of the Edina Rotary organization over the past years.
This would explain his constant effort to become the best of the best. Skip has been involved with everything and anything when it comes to things in Edina. Please contact Skip if you have any further questions.
Congratulations to the Edina Rotary winners of the Edina MagazineBest of 2015
Best Chiropractic Clinic: Tim Fargo, Chiropractic Health & Wellness Center
Doggie Day Care or Kennel: Ann Platt, Pets are Inn
Best Orthodontic Clinic: Brad Pearson, Pearson Orthodontic
Best Interior designer: Katie Bassett, Katie Bassett Interiors
Best Realtor: Skip Thomas, ReMax Realty
Edina's Realtor of the year - Skip Thomas

Skip Thomas is recognized as Edina’s realtor of the year. Featured in Edina Magazine.


Featured Rotary Video – Edina Rotary Club Meeting – Mark Lanterman – 1/29/15

Skip Thomas - RE/MAX Results

Edina and the surrounding Twin Cities Best Real Estate Agent

Featured in Edina Channel 16’s Weekly Show


More Listings in Edina -

See all Real estate in the city of Edina.
(all data current as of 4/4/2015)

  1. 4 beds, 5 full, 4 part baths
    Home size: 16,228 sq ft
    Lot size: 2.28 ac
    Year built: 2003
    Parking spots: 4
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  2. 7 beds, 3 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 8,800 sq ft
    Lot size: 3.44 ac
    Year built: 1974
    Parking spots: 10
    Listed with Real Estate Nexus
    Broker reciprocity icon
  3. 7 beds, 6 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 9,141 sq ft
    Lot size: 37,461 sqft
    Year built: 2006
    Parking spots: 5
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  4. 3 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths
    Home size: 4,150 sq ft
    Year built: 2008
    Parking spots: 4
    Listed with Lakes Sotheby''s International
    Broker reciprocity icon
  5. 4 beds, 4 full, 2 part baths
    Home size: 7,761 sq ft
    Lot size: 2.14 ac
    Year built: 1996
    Parking spots: 3
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.

Welcome to the Skip Thomas Blog

I will be blogging about market updates and other critical things you will want to know as a home buyer, seller, or even someone who follows the industry.

-Skip Thomas



 Active listings in Hennepin County –

See all Real estate matching your search.
(all data current as of 4/4/2015)

  1. 7 beds, 6 full, 7 part baths
    Home size: 32,461 sq ft
    Lot size: 12.91 ac
    Year built: 1918
    Parking spots: 12
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  2. 4 beds, 5 full, 4 part baths
    Home size: 16,228 sq ft
    Lot size: 2.28 ac
    Year built: 2003
    Parking spots: 4
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  3. 5 beds, 3 full, 4 part baths
    Home size: 12,300 sq ft
    Lot size: 2.85 ac
    Year built: 2000
    Parking spots: 5
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  4. 3 beds, 2 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 11,777 sq ft
    Lot size: 28,575 sqft
    Year built: 2007
    Parking spots: 8
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon
  5. 6 beds, 3 full, 3 part baths
    Home size: 10,838 sq ft
    Lot size: 4.39 ac
    Year built: 1947
    Parking spots: 3
    Listed with Coldwell Banker Burnet
    Broker reciprocity icon

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.