The online ad industry admits it's partly to blame for the rise of ad blockers but warns that their rise may push users to enclosed platforms controlled by a few companies.
HealthKit may be Apple's obvious play for the healthcare industry's IT spending, but it's ResearchKit that's showing how useful apps can be to medicine.
Apple's comparison pages show the company has discreetly added the latest version of wireless comms standard Bluetooth to some of its iPhone and iPad models.
The Australian consumer watchdog said it plans to block a joint proposal by major taxi players in the country, saying the Uber-driven initiative would come at 'too big a cost' to competition in the industry.
Sales figures still look gloomy for Android vendors in Europe as Samsung's market share slips to 39 percent. But can Microsoft reignite interest among European consumers with its new Lumia 950, 950XL, and 550 devices?