Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

164_C_FbookThese days, everyone is short on time. And whether you’re using Twitter, YouTube, or Facebook, you likely don’t want to waste valuable minutes trying to figure out how to use these sites beyond the bare minimum necessary. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of five lesser-known tips to make your Facebook experience more secure and convenient, so you don’t have to waste time searching for them on your own.

Know if you forget to logout

It happens to the best of us. You used a computer other than your own and are unsure if you logged out. So what do you do? No need to worry, Facebook makes it incredibly easy to find out which devices you’re currently logged in on.

Just navigate to Settings, Security and then Where You’re Logged In. From there, you can see all the devices you’re logged into, and logout remotely from any of them.

Save interesting articles for later

Have you ever noticed an interesting article in your news feed that you’d love to read, but don’t have the time to do so there and then? Have you tried to find that same article later with little luck? Never deal with this annoyance again. Many people are completely unaware that Facebook allows you to conveniently save articles for later reading.

To do this, click on the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the article, and then click Save link. When you finally have a free moment to give the article a read, click on the Saved tab located under Favorites in the left-hand sidebar on the news feed page.

Export important event dates to your calendars

If you’ve ever missed a birthday or an event because you forgot to list them on your main calendar, this Facebook tip may come in handy. You can export all these important dates to your Google or Apple calendar.

To the left of your news feed, click on the Events tab. Navigate to the highlighted box at the very bottom of the right-hand side of the page, that reads You can add your events to…, and then click the Learn More link. This will take you to a page that explains how to export your events and birthdays.

Set alerts for new logins

Paranoid about someone hacking into your account? If so, you can easily set alerts to notify you right away if someone logs into your account from a new device.

Navigate to Settings, Security and then Login Alerts. From here, simply choose how you’d like to be notified of suspicious logins from new devices or browsers: by email, text message, or Facebook notification.

Lose the targeted ads

You may have noticed that ads of businesses you’ve visited on the web have somehow found their way into your Facebook news feed. This is by no means an accident. Like other websites that use targeted ads, Facebook uses cookies to determine which sites you’ve visited, and then shows you ads from those same sites.

If you’d like to turn ad targeting off, navigate to Settings and then Ads. From here you can change all the settings that determine the types of ads you see in your Facebook news feed. While there’s no way to completely turn off ads altogether, by changing your settings here you can make the ads you see more random and less personal. Essentially, your internet activity will no longer be tracked by Facebook cookies.

Interested in more Facebook tips? Want to learn how to leverage the social network to grow your business? Get in touch with our IT experts today.

164_B_FbookWhile many people go on Facebook to check in with their friends, family or customers, a lot of people simply don’t have the time or desire to take a closer at how to improve their user experience. And if you’re like most people, you probably know how to use Facebook well enough that you don’t feel like you need to bother learning anymore. But you may be missing out on handy tips and settings that can make your Facebook experience more secure and convenient. Here are five of them.

Know if you forget to logout

It happens to the best of us. You used a computer other than your own and are unsure if you logged out. So what do you do? No need to worry, Facebook makes it incredibly easy to find out which devices you’re currently logged in on.

Just navigate to Settings, Security and then Where You’re Logged In. From there, you can see all the devices you’re logged into, and logout remotely from any of them.

Save interesting articles for later

Have you ever noticed an interesting article in your news feed that you’d love to read, but don’t have the time to do so there and then? Have you tried to find that same article later with little luck? Never deal with this annoyance again. Many people are completely unaware that Facebook allows you to conveniently save articles for later reading.

To do this, click on the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the article, and then click Save link. When you finally have a free moment to give the article a read, click on the Saved tab located under Favorites in the left-hand sidebar on the news feed page.

Export important event dates to your calendars

If you’ve ever missed a birthday or an event because you forgot to list them on your main calendar, this Facebook tip may come in handy. You can export all these important dates to your Google or Apple calendar.

To the left of your news feed, click on the Events tab. Navigate to the highlighted box at the very bottom of the right-hand side of the page, that reads You can add your events to…, and then click the Learn More link. This will take you to a page that explains how to export your events and birthdays.

Set alerts for new logins

Paranoid about someone hacking into your account? If so, you can easily set alerts to notify you right away if someone logs into your account from a new device.

Navigate to Settings, Security and then Login Alerts. From here, simply choose how you’d like to be notified of suspicious logins from new devices or browsers: by email, text message, or Facebook notification.

Lose the targeted ads

You may have noticed that ads of businesses you’ve visited on the web have somehow found their way into your Facebook news feed. This is by no means an accident. Like other websites that use targeted ads, Facebook uses cookies to determine which sites you’ve visited, and then shows you ads from those same sites.

If you’d like to turn ad targeting off, navigate to Settings and then Ads. From here you can change all the settings that determine the types of ads you see in your Facebook news feed. While there’s no way to completely turn off ads altogether, by changing your settings here you can make the ads you see more random and less personal. Essentially, your internet activity will no longer be tracked by Facebook cookies.

Interested in more Facebook tips? Want to learn how to leverage the social network to grow your business? Get in touch with our IT experts today.

164_A_FbookWhile Facebook has been around for over a decade now, there are many tricks, tips and settings out there that the average user is completely unaware of. By utilizing them, you can enjoy more security and convenience when browsing Facebook. Here are a few lesser-known tips that are sure to help any Facebook user.

Know if you forget to logout

It happens to the best of us. You used a computer other than your own and are unsure if you logged out. So what do you do? No need to worry, Facebook makes it incredibly easy to find out which devices you’re currently logged in on.

Just navigate to Settings, Security and then Where You’re Logged In. From there, you can see all the devices you’re logged into, and logout remotely from any of them.

Save interesting articles for later

Have you ever noticed an interesting article in your news feed that you’d love to read, but don’t have the time to do so there and then? Have you tried to find that same article later with little luck? Never deal with this annoyance again. Many people are completely unaware that Facebook allows you to conveniently save articles for later reading.

To do this, click on the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the article, and then click Save link. When you finally have a free moment to give the article a read, click on the Saved tab located under Favorites in the left-hand sidebar on the news feed page.

Export important event dates to your calendars

If you’ve ever missed a birthday or an event because you forgot to list them on your main calendar, this Facebook tip may come in handy. You can export all these important dates to your Google or Apple calendar.

To the left of your news feed, click on the Events tab. Navigate to the highlighted box at the very bottom of the right-hand side of the page, that reads You can add your events to…, and then click the Learn More link. This will take you to a page that explains how to export your events and birthdays.

Set alerts for new logins

Paranoid about someone hacking into your account? If so, you can easily set alerts to notify you right away if someone logs into your account from a new device.

Navigate to Settings, Security and then Login Alerts. From here, simply choose how you’d like to be notified of suspicious logins from new devices or browsers: by email, text message, or Facebook notification.

Lose the targeted ads

You may have noticed that ads of businesses you’ve visited on the web have somehow found their way into your Facebook news feed. This is by no means an accident. Like other websites that use targeted ads, Facebook uses cookies to determine which sites you’ve visited, and then shows you ads from those same sites.

If you’d like to turn ad targeting off, navigate to Settings and then Ads. From here you can change all the settings that determine the types of ads you see in your Facebook news feed. While there’s no way to completely turn off ads altogether, by changing your settings here you can make the ads you see more random and less personal. Essentially, your internet activity will no longer be tracked by Facebook cookies.

Interested in more Facebook tips? Want to learn how to leverage the social network to grow your business? Get in touch with our IT experts today.

BusinessValue_Oct12_CSearch engine optimization (SEO) is a complex subject that is constantly on the move, with major search engines always refining the algorithms that determine how to rank websites. That’s why it’s so easy for businesses to make a blunder based on common misconceptions. If you’re looking to create a solid SEO strategy, we’ve highlighted some of the common mistakes below to help you get started.

You skip the keyword brainstorming phase

This is perhaps the biggest mistake you can make in your website creation plan. By not spending time on researching relevant keywords from the start, you are missing out on the opportunity to potentially generate a large amount of traffic. Without a comprehensive keyword list in hand, you will find it hard to add more keywords as your website grows and gains more authority.

Your content has too little or too much text

There’s no fixed formula when it comes to the length of your content – the number of words can vary greatly depending on your audience and the type of your website. The general rule of thumb, however, is to write content that is valuable for your visitors. Make sure your pages only contain relevant information, and don’t try to cram text just to put more copy on the page, because search engines will have a hard time identifying relevant content.

You’re using black-hat SEO techniques

It may be tempting to go after cheap practices that promise quick results, also known as black-hat SEO techniques. These methods include keyword stuffing, hidden keyword text, link buying, and so on. Some of these techniques may actually work, but only in the short run. Search engines are aware of black-hat schemes, and are continuously improving their algorithms to weed out websites that don’t abide by their guidelines to deliver the best user experience. So it’s best to focus your efforts on building a clean and stable SEO strategy.

You’re expecting quick results

Success doesn’t come easy in the SEO world. Ranking high in search results necessitates spending a substantial amount of time and effort. Don’t expect to earn a position on the first page of search engines immediately or overnight, because it will likely take months to see results. Be patient, and focus on creating great content and abiding by SEO best practices.

You’re not using blogging as a strategy

Most businesses don’t really have the chance to update their website often. Why? Because they can’t really update their “About Us” or their service pages as frequently as they would like – so their websites are just going to stand there dormant and outdated. The problem with this is that search engines don’t like inactive sites. If you have a blogging strategy, however, you have the opportunity to add a page, or pages, to your site at least once a month, if not once a week or better yet daily! The more new pages you add to your website, the more chance you have of getting higher rankings, which translates into more traffic and more leads.

Your website has an inefficient structure

Without a good website structure strategy, you’ll have a hard time trying to organize new categories, as well as information and promotional pages. Having a bloated and scattered site structure won’t do you any good when it comes to SEO, because you’ll only make it harder for visitors to navigate around your website.

You’re not going responsive

Search engines are now taking responsiveness into account when determining rankings. A responsive website adapts its page layouts to fit all screen resolutions and sizes, whether it’s being viewed on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can greatly enhance the user experience and decrease bounce rates (the percentage of visitors who leave the website after visiting only one page). So if your website is not mobile-friendly, then it’s time to seriously consider a responsive design.

There are so many factors involved in search engine rankings, some of which are beyond your control. The important thing is to avoid making these SEO mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to online success. Want more SEO tips and techniques to add value to your business? Get in touch with our experts today.

BusinessValue_Oct12_BEstablishing a well-thought-out search engine optimization (SEO) strategy goes a long way in ensuring your website gets the top spot in search results. Unfortunately, most business owners fail to recognize the importance of SEO, and are taken in by get-ranked-quick schemes that will not only damage their website reputation but also get them penalized by major search engines. Here are seven well-known SEO pitfalls you need to avoid at all cost.

You skip the keyword brainstorming phase

This is perhaps the biggest mistake you can make in your website creation plan. By not spending time on researching relevant keywords from the start, you are missing out on the opportunity to potentially generate a large amount of traffic. Without a comprehensive keyword list in hand, you will find it hard to add more keywords as your website grows and gains more authority.

Your content has too little or too much text

There’s no fixed formula when it comes to the length of your content – the number of words can vary greatly depending on your audience and the type of your website. The general rule of thumb, however, is to write content that is valuable for your visitors. Make sure your pages only contain relevant information, and don’t try to cram text just to put more copy on the page, because search engines will have a hard time identifying relevant content.

You’re using black-hat SEO techniques

It may be tempting to go after cheap practices that promise quick results, also known as black-hat SEO techniques. These methods include keyword stuffing, hidden keyword text, link buying, and so on. Some of these techniques may actually work, but only in the short run. Search engines are aware of black-hat schemes, and are continuously improving their algorithms to weed out websites that don’t abide by their guidelines to deliver the best user experience. So it’s best to focus your efforts on building a clean and stable SEO strategy.

You’re expecting quick results

Success doesn’t come easy in the SEO world. Ranking high in search results necessitates spending a substantial amount of time and effort. Don’t expect to earn a position on the first page of search engines immediately or overnight, because it will likely take months to see results. Be patient, and focus on creating great content and abiding by SEO best practices.

You’re not using blogging as a strategy

Most businesses don’t really have the chance to update their website often. Why? Because they can’t really update their “About Us” or their service pages as frequently as they would like – so their websites are just going to stand there dormant and outdated. The problem with this is that search engines don’t like inactive sites. If you have a blogging strategy, however, you have the opportunity to add a page, or pages, to your site at least once a month, if not once a week or better yet daily! The more new pages you add to your website, the more chance you have of getting higher rankings, which translates into more traffic and more leads.

Your website has an inefficient structure

Without a good website structure strategy, you’ll have a hard time trying to organize new categories, as well as information and promotional pages. Having a bloated and scattered site structure won’t do you any good when it comes to SEO, because you’ll only make it harder for visitors to navigate around your website.

You’re not going responsive

Search engines are now taking responsiveness into account when determining rankings. A responsive website adapts its page layouts to fit all screen resolutions and sizes, whether it’s being viewed on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can greatly enhance the user experience and decrease bounce rates (the percentage of visitors who leave the website after visiting only one page). So if your website is not mobile-friendly, then it’s time to seriously consider a responsive design.

There are so many factors involved in search engine rankings, some of which are beyond your control. The important thing is to avoid making these SEO mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to online success. Want more SEO tips and techniques to add value to your business? Get in touch with our experts today.

BusinessValue_Oct12_ACreating an effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for your business’s website is a must if you want to establish a solid online presence. While this concept is nothing new, it is often overlooked by businesses. They resort to crude SEO practices that, far from being efficient, actually get their website into hot water with major search engines. With that said, you need to avoid falling victim to these common SEO mistakes.

You skip the keyword brainstorming phase

This is perhaps the biggest mistake you can make in your website creation plan. By not spending time on researching relevant keywords from the start, you are missing out on the opportunity to potentially generate a large amount of traffic. Without a comprehensive keyword list in hand, you will find it hard to add more keywords as your website grows and gains more authority.

Your content has too little or too much text

There’s no fixed formula when it comes to the length of your content – the number of words can vary greatly depending on your audience and the type of your website. The general rule of thumb, however, is to write content that is valuable for your visitors. Make sure your pages only contain relevant information, and don’t try to cram text just to put more copy on the page, because search engines will have a hard time identifying relevant content.

You’re using black-hat SEO techniques

It may be tempting to go after cheap practices that promise quick results, also known as black-hat SEO techniques. These methods include keyword stuffing, hidden keyword text, link buying, and so on. Some of these techniques may actually work, but only in the short run. Search engines are aware of black-hat schemes, and are continuously improving their algorithms to weed out websites that don’t abide by their guidelines to deliver the best user experience. So it’s best to focus your efforts on building a clean and stable SEO strategy.

You’re expecting quick results

Success doesn’t come easy in the SEO world. Ranking high in search results necessitates spending a substantial amount of time and effort. Don’t expect to earn a position on the first page of search engines immediately or overnight, because it will likely take months to see results. Be patient, and focus on creating great content and abiding by SEO best practices.

You’re not using blogging as a strategy

Most businesses don’t really have the chance to update their website often. Why? Because they can’t really update their “About Us” or their service pages as frequently as they would like – so their websites are just going to stand there dormant and outdated. The problem with this is that search engines don’t like inactive sites. If you have a blogging strategy, however, you have the opportunity to add a page, or pages, to your site at least once a month, if not once a week or better yet daily! The more new pages you add to your website, the more chance you have of getting higher rankings, which translates into more traffic and more leads.

Your website has an inefficient structure

Without a good website structure strategy, you’ll have a hard time trying to organize new categories, as well as information and promotional pages. Having a bloated and scattered site structure won’t do you any good when it comes to SEO, because you’ll only make it harder for visitors to navigate around your website.

You’re not going responsive

Search engines are now taking responsiveness into account when determining rankings. A responsive website adapts its page layouts to fit all screen resolutions and sizes, whether it’s being viewed on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can greatly enhance the user experience and decrease bounce rates (the percentage of visitors who leave the website after visiting only one page). So if your website is not mobile-friendly, then it’s time to seriously consider a responsive design.

There are so many factors involved in search engine rankings, some of which are beyond your control. The important thing is to avoid making these SEO mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to online success. Want more SEO tips and techniques to add value to your business? Get in touch with our experts today.

Browsers_Oct8_AProtecting your privacy online is crucial in today’s world to avoid data breaches, malware attacks, and other mischief hackers can throw your way. The easiest way to do this is through browser extensions, but the question is which is best? Here, we’ll take a look at the most popular browser extensions that promise to protect your online privacy.

AdBlock Plus (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

AdBlock Plus blocks ads, scripts and popups on your browser. It kills third-party scripts and widgets that send your data to who-knows-where. Be careful you use it properly, the extension can break the sites you read, which is why you have to first figure out what to allow and what to block. AdBlock Plus also stops you from visiting known malware-hosting domains, and it allows power users to play with different subscription lists while basic users can just enable it and walk away. Best of all, it is completely free.

Disconnect (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

Disconnect Private Browsing protects you from tracking, malware and malvertising while offering secure Wi-Fi and bandwidth optimization features. Third party tracking cookies become a thing of the past, and you can enjoy total control over all site scripts and elements from a user-friendly toolbar menu. You’re completely guarded from ads injected by malware or ad networks that are hijacked by embedded malware.

Disconnect also protects you from tracking by social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google, which use your browsing experience even when off-site in order to collect data about you. What’s more, you’ll never have to worry about sidejacking, which is where an attacker uses stolen cookies to access your personal data without having to know your password. Available in free version and Premium, the main difference is that Premium adds mobile malware blocking and tracking to its arsenal, too.

HTTPS Everywhere (Chrome/Firefox/Opera)

One of the must-have tools for your browsing experience, HTTPS Everywhere shunts your connection to SSL whenever possible, and will try to find secure versions of the sites you visit. This protects your browsing experience and online privacy without you really having to do anything. Updates have also just been rolled out to keep you safe on thousands more sites around the web, and this extension is free for download.

Tunnelbear (Chrome)

This Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all of your internet traffic, secures your browser data, and offers robust protection from prying eyes. Best of all, this won’t cost you a dime. Unfortunately, though, Tunnelbear is only available on Chrome at the moment; Safari and Firefox users will have to wait a little longer for this extension to come their way.

Web of Trust (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE)

Web of Trust (WOT) is a free extension that ranks sites by reputation and shows you whether a specific site has been known to host malware, or is loaded with tracking cookies and scripts that could wreak malware or adware havoc on your system.

If you’ve been browsing the web without any protection, or feel like your online privacy is at risk, talk to one of our experts and we’ll be happy to help.

Browsers_Oct8_CDid you know that you’ve been giving away personal information while browsing the web? Are you aware that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can track your personal information even when you’re not on their site? This is exactly why protecting your online privacy is crucial if you don’t want to risk falling victim to data breaches or attacks. To that end, let’s take a look at the best browser extensions that will allow you to browse the web with complete peace of mind.

AdBlock Plus (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

AdBlock Plus blocks ads, scripts and popups on your browser. It kills third-party scripts and widgets that send your data to who-knows-where. Be careful you use it properly, the extension can break the sites you read, which is why you have to first figure out what to allow and what to block. AdBlock Plus also stops you from visiting known malware-hosting domains, and it allows power users to play with different subscription lists while basic users can just enable it and walk away. Best of all, it is completely free.

Disconnect (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

Disconnect Private Browsing protects you from tracking, malware and malvertising while offering secure Wi-Fi and bandwidth optimization features. Third party tracking cookies become a thing of the past, and you can enjoy total control over all site scripts and elements from a user-friendly toolbar menu. You’re completely guarded from ads injected by malware or ad networks that are hijacked by embedded malware.

Disconnect also protects you from tracking by social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google, which use your browsing experience even when off-site in order to collect data about you. What’s more, you’ll never have to worry about sidejacking, which is where an attacker uses stolen cookies to access your personal data without having to know your password. Available in free version and Premium, the main difference is that Premium adds mobile malware blocking and tracking to its arsenal, too.

HTTPS Everywhere (Chrome/Firefox/Opera)

One of the must-have tools for your browsing experience, HTTPS Everywhere shunts your connection to SSL whenever possible, and will try to find secure versions of the sites you visit. This protects your browsing experience and online privacy without you really having to do anything. Updates have also just been rolled out to keep you safe on thousands more sites around the web, and this extension is free for download.

Tunnelbear (Chrome)

This Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all of your internet traffic, secures your browser data, and offers robust protection from prying eyes. Best of all, this won’t cost you a dime. Unfortunately, though, Tunnelbear is only available on Chrome at the moment; Safari and Firefox users will have to wait a little longer for this extension to come their way.

Web of Trust (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE)

Web of Trust (WOT) is a free extension that ranks sites by reputation and shows you whether a specific site has been known to host malware, or is loaded with tracking cookies and scripts that could wreak malware or adware havoc on your system.

If you’ve been browsing the web without any protection, or feel like your online privacy is at risk, talk to one of our experts and we’ll be happy to help.

Browsers_Oct8_BWhether it’s Chrome, Firefox or Safari, you use your web browser everyday. But what you might not know is that, each time you surf the web, you give your personal data to unsecure sites and risk having that data tracked. Failure to protect your online privacy can result in data breaches, malware attacks, and other mischief hackers are looking to cause. So what do you do? Browser extensions are your safest bet, and here we take a look at the best ones.

AdBlock Plus (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

AdBlock Plus blocks ads, scripts and popups on your browser. It kills third-party scripts and widgets that send your data to who-knows-where. Be careful you use it properly, the extension can break the sites you read, which is why you have to first figure out what to allow and what to block. AdBlock Plus also stops you from visiting known malware-hosting domains, and it allows power users to play with different subscription lists while basic users can just enable it and walk away. Best of all, it is completely free.

Disconnect (Chrome/Firefox/Safari)

Disconnect Private Browsing protects you from tracking, malware and malvertising while offering secure Wi-Fi and bandwidth optimization features. Third party tracking cookies become a thing of the past, and you can enjoy total control over all site scripts and elements from a user-friendly toolbar menu. You’re completely guarded from ads injected by malware or ad networks that are hijacked by embedded malware.

Disconnect also protects you from tracking by social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google, which use your browsing experience even when off-site in order to collect data about you. What’s more, you’ll never have to worry about sidejacking, which is where an attacker uses stolen cookies to access your personal data without having to know your password. Available in free version and Premium, the main difference is that Premium adds mobile malware blocking and tracking to its arsenal, too.

HTTPS Everywhere (Chrome/Firefox/Opera)

One of the must-have tools for your browsing experience, HTTPS Everywhere shunts your connection to SSL whenever possible, and will try to find secure versions of the sites you visit. This protects your browsing experience and online privacy without you really having to do anything. Updates have also just been rolled out to keep you safe on thousands more sites around the web, and this extension is free for download.

Tunnelbear (Chrome)

This Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all of your internet traffic, secures your browser data, and offers robust protection from prying eyes. Best of all, this won’t cost you a dime. Unfortunately, though, Tunnelbear is only available on Chrome at the moment; Safari and Firefox users will have to wait a little longer for this extension to come their way.

Web of Trust (Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE)

Web of Trust (WOT) is a free extension that ranks sites by reputation and shows you whether a specific site has been known to host malware, or is loaded with tracking cookies and scripts that could wreak malware or adware havoc on your system.

If you’ve been browsing the web without any protection, or feel like your online privacy is at risk, talk to one of our experts and we’ll be happy to help.

Security_Oct2_AVulnerabilities in the web-based version of popular instant messaging app WhatsApp recently left up to 200 million users exposed to hackers and malware. The bug was picked up by an Israeli IT security firm, and WhatsApp put a fix in place before news of the potential threat spread. Nevertheless, it highlights the need to remain vigilant when using apps like WhatsApp, whether for business reasons or in a personal setting. Here’s what you need to know about the security incident and how to protect yourself going forward.

The web-based version of the WhatsApp app was only launched a few months back, initially for WhatsApp accounts on Android and Windows Phone devices and later for those on iPhones, but has already grown in popularity. The recent security vulnerability related to vCards, electronic business cards shared by WhatsApp users, and effectively amounted to a kind of phishing.

An error in the WhatsApp web client meant that less-than-innocuous vCard business cards created by hackers were not properly filtered out by the app. As a result, these phishing-style cards made it through to users who, if they clicked them, were at risk of the cards converting themselves to more harmful executable scripts once downloaded – and potentially accessing and playing foul with users’ personal data. There are even reports of a ransomware approach being taken by hackers in this case, with attempts being made to extort cash from WhatsApp users in exchange for restored access to their infected devices and hijacked data.

WhatsApp put a fix in place, by releasing an updated version of the app, prior to making public news of the security vulnerability. It’s worth making sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your phone, if you haven’t checked recently – WhatsApp’s phone and web versions are linked to one another, so ensuring you are up-to-date on your phone is the way to ensure you’re safe when using the web client too. The patch is also available directly through the web client, though this won’t update your phone’s version of the app at the same time.

The whole affair also serves as a timely reminder that it pays to be vigilant when it comes to using WhatsApp and other instant messaging platforms – including email. Avoid opening links or downloading files that you’re not expecting to receive, and proceed with caution even if you were anticipating them. It’s better to double check with the sender that they’re consciously passing a file to you, and that they’re fully aware of its contents, than to wait until your device has been infected and damage has potentially been inflicted on your vital data.

Want to learn how to keep your devices safe from phishing attempts and other potential security vulnerabilities? Give us a call and let us equip you with tamperproof solutions.

Security_Oct2_BPopular mobile instant messaging app WhatsApp was at the center of a recent security breach which saw the information of as many as 200 million users potentially exposed to the mercy of hackers and malware. The threat, which affected the recently launched web-based version of WhatsApp, was detected by an IT security firm in Israel and patched up before news of it became public. Yet it serves as a reminder to remain vigilant when using web and mobile apps, whether for business or pleasure. Here’s what you need to know.

The web-based version of the WhatsApp app was only launched a few months back, initially for WhatsApp accounts on Android and Windows Phone devices and later for those on iPhones, but has already grown in popularity. The recent security vulnerability related to vCards, electronic business cards shared by WhatsApp users, and effectively amounted to a kind of phishing.

An error in the WhatsApp web client meant that less-than-innocuous vCard business cards created by hackers were not properly filtered out by the app. As a result, these phishing-style cards made it through to users who, if they clicked them, were at risk of the cards converting themselves to more harmful executable scripts once downloaded – and potentially accessing and playing foul with users’ personal data. There are even reports of a ransomware approach being taken by hackers in this case, with attempts being made to extort cash from WhatsApp users in exchange for restored access to their infected devices and hijacked data.

WhatsApp put a fix in place, by releasing an updated version of the app, prior to making public news of the security vulnerability. It’s worth making sure you have the latest version of WhatsApp installed on your phone, if you haven’t checked recently – WhatsApp’s phone and web versions are linked to one another, so ensuring you are up-to-date on your phone is the way to ensure you’re safe when using the web client too. The patch is also available directly through the web client, though this won’t update your phone’s version of the app at the same time.

The whole affair also serves as a timely reminder that it pays to be vigilant when it comes to using WhatsApp and other instant messaging platforms – including email. Avoid opening links or downloading files that you’re not expecting to receive, and proceed with caution even if you were anticipating them. It’s better to double check with the sender that they’re consciously passing a file to you, and that they’re fully aware of its contents, than to wait until your device has been infected and damage has potentially been inflicted on your vital data.

Want to learn how to keep your devices safe from phishing attempts and other potential security vulnerabilities? Give us a call and let us equip you with tamperproof solutions.

VoIP General_Oct7_AVoIP is hardly the new kid on the block anymore; it’s been around for over a decade now. Maybe you’ve considered it for your business in the past, but ultimately decided against it. Well, now is as good of a time as any to revisit the decision. But just how will you know if your business needs match VoIP’s offerings? Here are a couple of signs to look for.

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, has been helping businesses communicate more effectively for a few years now. You probably use it in your personal life, with applications like Skype, but your company just might be able to take advantage of the technology as well. Look for these signs that might indicate your business is ready to make the jump to VoIP.

Your number doesn’t match your target area

As your business expands, it can be easy to forget that your phone number will stay static. This may not seem like a big deal when conducting business in your own neighborhood, but what happens when your company’s reach expands beyond its original area code? Chances are prospective clients who don’t reside in your current area code aren’t too inclined to call another one.

Despite the fact that most cell phone packages now include free long-distance calling, there is still a stigma around dialing those three extra, and unfamiliar, numbers, for fear of extra charges. The only way around this with a traditional telephony solution is to set up another office and install a new phone system in that area code.

However, with a VoIP telephony solution, you can get a number in just about any area code imaginable and have it direct back to your office. If your business covers a greater area, you can opt for a toll-free number which means customers everywhere will never worry about having to pay to call your office.

You employees use personal devices at work

It is commonplace for employees to use a cell phone to take work calls when they aren’t in the office. However, unless you have issued cell phones to your staff, there probably isn’t a reason for them to use their personal devices to talk to clients while at the office. If this is happening, there are two things you need to consider.

You first need to think about the fact that you have no way to monitor your employees’ phone usage and behavior. Are they dealing with clients in a friendly and polite manner? Are they keeping with your company’s message when speaking on the phone? Are they even talking to customers at all?

The second issue is figuring out why employees aren’t using your phone system. Chances are it has to do with some usability or performance issues that ought to be addressed. There is no point in spending money on your current phone system if it isn’t being used by your staff anyway.

Switching to a VoIP telephony solution can take care of both issues. For starters, it will provide an easy-to-use phone system for your office with far more features than you currently have.

More importantly, for staff who still wish to use their cell phones, calls can be forwarded from their work number to their personal device. This allows you to keep track of their usage without forcing them to give up their preferred method of communication. Since the call is still going through the VoIP phone system, you’ll also be able to monitor it should you wish to.

Clients can’t reach you

Sure, your clients probably have your work, cell and home phone numbers, but that doesn’t mean they want to call them all trying to get a hold of you. VoIP can give your clients anytime access to you with a couple of different features. The find me/follow call routing system will see your work phone ring a few times, followed by your cell and then home phone, until you pick up or the call goes to voicemail. You can also set it up to have incoming calls ring on all your phones at once – useful if you would rather be able to pick up your calls on whichever device is most convenient at the time.

Give us a call and we’ll show you how to pick up the phone on all types of VoIP and IT solutions.