Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

However good you are at running your business, you won’t get very far without a steady stream of customers. To effectively foster customer relationships, many businesses are leveraging customer relationship management (CRM) systems.

What is a CRM system?

CRM is a system that allows businesses to manage, record, and evaluate their customer interactions to provide better services and boost sales. You can use CRM to store customers’ contact details, accounts, leads, and sales opportunities all in one place.

What are the features of a CRM system?

  • Data management – When customer data is recorded, the CRM system centralizes the data into one file, called a master file. Everyone within the company then has access to this data source, preventing confusion from inaccurate or duplicated data.
  • Collaboration – Nowadays, clients demand quick and efficient customer service, so all involved departments must work together to quickly resolve client concerns. CRM systems enable collaboration by enabling the sharing of customer information among departments. This way, everyone is on the same page on clients’ circumstances and requirements.
  • Customer segmentation – A CRM system arranges your customers into groups based on criteria such as age, gender, location, and even their likes and dislikes. This allows you to target marketing messages to your customers more accurately, potentially increasing your sales numbers.
  • Task tracking – CRM systems have task tracking features that enable your employees to stay on top of important tasks, such as contacting customers via email or phone and following up on leads. CRM systems also send reminders to employees about their assigned tasks so that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • In-depth reporting – CRM systems provide a thorough analysis of your customer base. Its reports give details including an overview of product sales numbers, marketing strategy performance, most successful products or services to date, and even a prediction of whether your sales target will be met at the end of the month.

If you’re looking to improve customer service and increase sales conversion using a CRM system, contact us today!

At the end of the day, the success of any business comes down to whether it’s making a profit. That’s why building and maintaining relationships with your customers — your primary source of revenue — is extremely crucial. To respond to this need, savvy business owners are implementing customer relationship management (CRM) systems as a part of their business operations.

What is a CRM system?

CRM is a system that allows businesses to manage, record, and evaluate their customer interactions to provide better services and boost sales. You can use CRM to store customers’ contact details, accounts, leads, and sales opportunities all in one place.

What are the features of a CRM system?

  • Data management – When customer data is recorded, the CRM system centralizes the data into one file, called a master file. Everyone within the company then has access to this data source, preventing confusion from inaccurate or duplicated data.
  • Collaboration – Nowadays, clients demand quick and efficient customer service, so all involved departments must work together to quickly resolve client concerns. CRM systems enable collaboration by enabling the sharing of customer information among departments. This way, everyone is on the same page on clients’ circumstances and requirements.
  • Customer segmentation – A CRM system arranges your customers into groups based on criteria such as age, gender, location, and even their likes and dislikes. This allows you to target marketing messages to your customers more accurately, potentially increasing your sales numbers.
  • Task tracking – CRM systems have task tracking features that enable your employees to stay on top of important tasks, such as contacting customers via email or phone and following up on leads. CRM systems also send reminders to employees about their assigned tasks so that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • In-depth reporting – CRM systems provide a thorough analysis of your customer base. Its reports give details including an overview of product sales numbers, marketing strategy performance, most successful products or services to date, and even a prediction of whether your sales target will be met at the end of the month.

If you’re looking to improve customer service and increase sales conversion using a CRM system, contact us today!

There are several factors that contribute to a business’s success, such as a good location, quality products and services, and a well-planned marketing strategy. But one important component that every company should have is a reliable customer relationship management (CRM) system. As a business owner, you know that a solid base of loyal customers is the source of your revenue, and the relationship you build with that base will determine how far your business can go.

Imagine buying a product, and it breaks the first time you use it. You contact customer support and describe the issue, only to be told to wait for another representative to call you back. You wait for hours, and still nobody calls back. After sending an email to customer support, there’s a chance that somebody will return your call, but it’s from someone unfamiliar with your problem and you awkwardly have to explain yourself for the third or fourth time. An effective customer relationship management system can eliminate this problem and many more. Here’s what you need to know.

What is a CRM system?

CRM is a system that allows businesses to manage, record, and evaluate their customer interactions to provide better services and boost sales. You can use CRM to store customers’ contact details, accounts, leads, and sales opportunities all in one place.

What are the features of a CRM system?

  • Data management – When customer data is recorded, the CRM system centralizes the data into one file, called a master file. Everyone within the company then has access to this data source, preventing confusion from inaccurate or duplicated data.
  • Collaboration – Nowadays, clients demand quick and efficient customer service, so all involved departments must work together to quickly resolve client concerns. CRM systems enable collaboration by enabling the sharing of customer information among departments. This way, everyone is on the same page on clients’ circumstances and requirements.
  • Customer segmentation – A CRM system arranges your customers into groups based on criteria such as age, gender, location, and even their likes and dislikes. This allows you to target marketing messages to your customers more accurately, potentially increasing your sales numbers.
  • Task tracking – CRM systems have task tracking features that enable your employees to stay on top of important tasks, such as contacting customers via email or phone and following up on leads. CRM systems also send reminders to employees about their assigned tasks so that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • In-depth reporting – CRM systems provide a thorough analysis of your customer base. Its reports give details including an overview of product sales numbers, marketing strategy performance, most successful products or services to date, and even a prediction of whether your sales target will be met at the end of the month.

If you’re looking to improve customer service and increase sales conversion using a CRM system, contact us today!

As businesses have become more reliant on digital technology for day-to-day operations, they’ve also become a favorite target of internet threats. If you want to protect your organization from cyberattacks, make sure your security is clear of the following flaws.

Open wireless networks

With one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, a whole office can go online. A wireless internet connection saves money, but there is an inherent risk that it’s an unsecure network.

If you need a secure network, plugging in a wireless router and creating a basic network is not enough. If you don’t set a password on your routers, then anyone within range can connect. With fairly simple tools and a bit of know-how, hackers and criminals can start capturing data that goes in and out of the network, and even attacking the network and computers attached.

Therefore, you should take steps to ensure that all wireless networks in the office are secured with strong passwords. Many internet service providers that install hardware when setting up networks will often just use an easy password for the router, such as the company’s main phone number. These need to be changed.

Email is not secure

Most companies that have implemented a new email system in the past couple of years will most likely be secure. This is especially true if they use cloud-based options or well-known email systems like Exchange, which offer enhanced security and scanning.

The businesses at risk are those using older systems like POP, or systems that don’t encrypt passwords (what are known as “clear passwords”’). If your system doesn’t encrypt information like this, anyone with the right tools and a bit of knowledge can capture login information and compromise your systems and data.

If you are using an older email system, it is advisable to upgrade to a newer one, especially if it doesn’t use encryption.

Mobile devices that aren’t secure enough

Mobile devices offer a great way to stay connected and productive while out of the office. However, if you use your tablet or phone to connect to office systems but don’t have security measures in place, you compromise your networks.

Imagine you have linked your work email to your tablet but don’t have a screen lock enabled, and you lose your device. Anyone who picks it up will have access to your email and all your sensitive information. The same goes if you install a mobile device app with malware on it. Your infected device will spread this malicious program to your entire network and cause major disruption to your business.

Take steps to ensure that employee devices have adequate security, such as passcodes, and that your company has sufficient security policies in place to govern their use. Lastly, mobile device management solutions are specifically designed to prevent your bring your own device (BYOD) policy from being a risk with employee devices causing havoc to your network.

Anti-malware software that isn’t maintained

These days, it is essential that you have anti-malware software installed on all devices in your company, and that you take the time to configure these properly.

It could be that scans are scheduled during business hours. If you install these solutions onto your systems and they start to scan during work time, most employees will just turn the scanner off, leaving your systems vulnerable.

The same goes for not properly ensuring that these systems are updated. Updates are important for software, especially anti-malware applications, because they implement new databases that contain recently discovered threats and the fixes for them.

Therefore, anti-malware software needs to be properly installed and maintained if they are going to even stand a chance of keeping systems secure.

Lack of firewalls

A firewall is a network security tool that can be configured to block data traffic from entering and leaving the network. For instance, it can protect data from being accessed from outside the network. While many modems or routers include firewalls, they are often not robust enough for business use.

What you need is a firewall that covers the whole network at the point where data enters and exits (usually before the routers). These are business-centric tools that should be installed by an IT partner like a managed services provider (MSP), in order for them to be most effective.

How do I ensure proper business security?

The best way a business can ensure that their systems and networks are secure is to work with an IT partner like us. Our managed services can help ensure that you set up proper security measures in place and that they are managed properly. Tech peace of mind means your focus can be on creating a successful company instead. Contact us today to learn more.

As the number of cybersecurity threats increases, many business owners have no recourse but make cybersecurity a priority. But how does one know if your security measures are actually keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five ways you can tell if your security isn’t sufficient.

Open wireless networks

With one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, a whole office can go online. A wireless internet connection saves money, but there is an inherent risk that it’s an unsecure network.

If you need a secure network, plugging in a wireless router and creating a basic network is not enough. If you don’t set a password on your routers, then anyone within range can connect. With fairly simple tools and a bit of know-how, hackers and criminals can start capturing data that goes in and out of the network, and even attacking the network and computers attached.

Therefore, you should take steps to ensure that all wireless networks in the office are secured with strong passwords. Many internet service providers that install hardware when setting up networks will often just use an easy password for the router, such as the company’s main phone number. These need to be changed.

Email is not secure

Most companies that have implemented a new email system in the past couple of years will most likely be secure. This is especially true if they use cloud-based options or well-known email systems like Exchange, which offer enhanced security and scanning.

The businesses at risk are those using older systems like POP, or systems that don’t encrypt passwords (what are known as “clear passwords”’). If your system doesn’t encrypt information like this, anyone with the right tools and a bit of knowledge can capture login information and compromise your systems and data.

If you are using an older email system, it is advisable to upgrade to a newer one, especially if it doesn’t use encryption.

Mobile devices that aren’t secure enough

Mobile devices offer a great way to stay connected and productive while out of the office. However, if you use your tablet or phone to connect to office systems but don’t have security measures in place, you compromise your networks.

Imagine you have linked your work email to your tablet but don’t have a screen lock enabled, and you lose your device. Anyone who picks it up will have access to your email and all your sensitive information. The same goes if you install a mobile device app with malware on it. Your infected device will spread this malicious program to your entire network and cause major disruption to your business.

Take steps to ensure that employee devices have adequate security, such as passcodes, and that your company has sufficient security policies in place to govern their use. Lastly, mobile device management solutions are specifically designed to prevent your bring your own device (BYOD) policy from being a risk with employee devices causing havoc to your network.

Anti-malware software that isn’t maintained

These days, it is essential that you have anti-malware software installed on all devices in your company, and that you take the time to configure these properly.

It could be that scans are scheduled during business hours. If you install these solutions onto your systems and they start to scan during work time, most employees will just turn the scanner off, leaving your systems vulnerable.

The same goes for not properly ensuring that these systems are updated. Updates are important for software, especially anti-malware applications, because they implement new databases that contain recently discovered threats and the fixes for them.

Therefore, anti-malware software needs to be properly installed and maintained if they are going to even stand a chance of keeping systems secure.

Lack of firewalls

A firewall is a network security tool that can be configured to block data traffic from entering and leaving the network. For instance, it can protect data from being accessed from outside the network. While many modems or routers include firewalls, they are often not robust enough for business use.

What you need is a firewall that covers the whole network at the point where data enters and exits (usually before the routers). These are business-centric tools that should be installed by an IT partner like a managed services provider (MSP), in order for them to be most effective.

How do I ensure proper business security?

The best way a business can ensure that their systems and networks are secure is to work with an IT partner like us. Our managed services can help ensure that you set up proper security measures in place and that they are managed properly. Tech peace of mind means your focus can be on creating a successful company instead. Contact us today to learn more.

Companies — small- and medium-sized businesses, in particular — struggle to protect their data. For one, they make mistakes in the strategies they employ to protect their IT infrastructure. If your organization still does one or more of these bad security practices, act quickly to correct them.

Open wireless networks

With one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, a whole office can go online. A wireless internet connection saves money, but there is an inherent risk that it’s an unsecure network.

If you need a secure network, plugging in a wireless router and creating a basic network is not enough. If you don’t set a password on your routers, then anyone within range can connect. With fairly simple tools and a bit of know-how, hackers and criminals can start capturing data that goes in and out of the network, and even attacking the network and computers attached.

Therefore, you should take steps to ensure that all wireless networks in the office are secured with strong passwords. Many internet service providers that install hardware when setting up networks will often just use an easy password for the router, such as the company’s main phone number. These need to be changed.

Email is not secure

Most companies that have implemented a new email system in the past couple of years will most likely be secure. This is especially true if they use cloud-based options or well-known email systems like Exchange, which offer enhanced security and scanning.

The businesses at risk are those using older systems like POP, or systems that don’t encrypt passwords (what are known as “clear passwords”’). If your system doesn’t encrypt information like this, anyone with the right tools and a bit of knowledge can capture login information and compromise your systems and data.

If you are using an older email system, it is advisable to upgrade to a newer one, especially if it doesn’t use encryption.

Mobile devices that aren’t secure enough

Mobile devices offer a great way to stay connected and productive while out of the office. However, if you use your tablet or phone to connect to office systems but don’t have security measures in place, you compromise your networks.

Imagine you have linked your work email to your tablet but don’t have a screen lock enabled, and you lose your device. Anyone who picks it up will have access to your email and all your sensitive information. The same goes if you install a mobile device app with malware on it. Your infected device will spread this malicious program to your entire network and cause major disruption to your business.

Take steps to ensure that employee devices have adequate security, such as passcodes, and that your company has sufficient security policies in place to govern their use. Lastly, mobile device management solutions are specifically designed to prevent your bring your own device (BYOD) policy from being a risk with employee devices causing havoc to your network.

Anti-malware software that isn’t maintained

These days, it is essential that you have anti-malware software installed on all devices in your company, and that you take the time to configure these properly.

It could be that scans are scheduled during business hours. If you install these solutions onto your systems and they start to scan during work time, most employees will just turn the scanner off, leaving your systems vulnerable.

The same goes for not properly ensuring that these systems are updated. Updates are important for software, especially anti-malware applications, because they implement new databases that contain recently discovered threats and the fixes for them.

Therefore, anti-malware software needs to be properly installed and maintained if they are going to even stand a chance of keeping systems secure.

Lack of firewalls

A firewall is a network security tool that can be configured to block data traffic from entering and leaving the network. For instance, it can protect data from being accessed from outside the network. While many modems or routers include firewalls, they are often not robust enough for business use.

What you need is a firewall that covers the whole network at the point where data enters and exits (usually before the routers). These are business-centric tools that should be installed by an IT partner like a managed services provider (MSP), in order for them to be most effective.

How do I ensure proper business security?

The best way a business can ensure that their systems and networks are secure is to work with an IT partner like us. Our managed services can help ensure that you set up proper security measures in place and that they are managed properly. Tech peace of mind means your focus can be on creating a successful company instead. Contact us today to learn more.

When it comes to computers, it’s better to be safe than to risk losing or exposing your data. One of the simplest and most reliable ways to protect your Mac and all the information it contains is to lock it with a solid password.

It’s not enough to log off your Mac

Some people “lock” their Mac computer by logging off or shutting down the device. If you’re stepping away from your desk to use the bathroom or do something quick, both of these methods may prove to be time-consuming and downright impractical. But what can you do to prevent others from snooping on your computer?

Protect it with a password, of course.

Setting a password is easy

Locking your screen and setting a password with which to unlock it is easy.

  1. Go to the Dock or the Apple menu and from there, launch System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Security & Privacy pane.
  3. Go to the General tab and check the option that reads, “Require password after sleep or screensaver begins”.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear — choose Immediately.

This series of steps locks your computer every time you put it in sleep mode. To “awaken” your Mac, just input the password you set.

Get your Mac to sleep on command

The quickest way, by far, to put your Mac to sleep is to go to the Apple menu and click Sleep. You may also use these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Option + Command + Power button — Puts the computer in sleep mode
  • Option + Shift + Power button — Makes the screen go to sleep mode

For Mac models with a Touch ID sensor, you can use the same key combinations but replace the Power button with the Media Eject button.

You can also activate Hot Corners, which puts your monitor to sleep when you move your cursor to a specific corner of the screen. Access this feature through the following steps:

  1. In the Apple Menu, click on System Preferences.
  2. Click on Desktop and Screen Saver.
  3. Click on the Screen Saver tab.
  4. In the bottom right corner, select Hot Corners.
  5. Select which corner you’d like to use when putting your Mac in sleep mode

Looking for more Mac OS tips? Curious to learn about our Mac services? Call us today to learn more.

Your Mac holds plenty of important files that you simply cannot risk losing or exposing to unauthorized parties. One of the best ways to protect your computer and all the data it contains is to lock it with a password when it’s not in use.

It’s not enough to log off your Mac

Some people “lock” their Mac computer by logging off or shutting down the device. If you’re stepping away from your desk to use the bathroom or do something quick, both of these methods may prove to be time-consuming and downright impractical. But what can you do to prevent others from snooping on your computer?

Protect it with a password, of course.

Setting a password is easy

Locking your screen and setting a password with which to unlock it is easy.

  1. Go to the Dock or the Apple menu and from there, launch System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Security & Privacy pane.
  3. Go to the General tab and check the option that reads, “Require password after sleep or screensaver begins”.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear — choose Immediately.

This series of steps locks your computer every time you put it in sleep mode. To “awaken” your Mac, just input the password you set.

Get your Mac to sleep on command

The quickest way, by far, to put your Mac to sleep is to go to the Apple menu and click Sleep. You may also use these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Option + Command + Power button — Puts the computer in sleep mode
  • Option + Shift + Power button — Makes the screen go to sleep mode

For Mac models with a Touch ID sensor, you can use the same key combinations but replace the Power button with the Media Eject button.

You can also activate Hot Corners, which puts your monitor to sleep when you move your cursor to a specific corner of the screen. Access this feature through the following steps:

  1. In the Apple Menu, click on System Preferences.
  2. Click on Desktop and Screen Saver.
  3. Click on the Screen Saver tab.
  4. In the bottom right corner, select Hot Corners.
  5. Select which corner you’d like to use when putting your Mac in sleep mode

Looking for more Mac OS tips? Curious to learn about our Mac services? Call us today to learn more.

Confidential data stored in your Mac is at risk of exposure if you leave your desk with your computer on. One of the most effective ways to protect your data is to lock your Mac with a password.

It’s not enough to log off your Mac

Some people “lock” their Mac computer by logging off or shutting down the device. If you’re stepping away from your desk to use the bathroom or do something quick, both of these methods may prove to be time-consuming and downright impractical. But what can you do to prevent others from snooping on your computer?

Protect it with a password, of course.

Setting a password is easy

Locking your screen and setting a password with which to unlock it is easy.

  1. Go to the Dock or the Apple menu and from there, launch System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Security & Privacy pane.
  3. Go to the General tab and check the option that reads, “Require password after sleep or screensaver begins”.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear — choose Immediately.

This series of steps locks your computer every time you put it in sleep mode. To “awaken” your Mac, just input the password you set.

Get your Mac to sleep on command

The quickest way, by far, to put your Mac to sleep is to go to the Apple menu and click Sleep. You may also use these keyboard shortcuts:

  • Option + Command + Power button — Puts the computer in sleep mode
  • Option + Shift + Power button — Makes the screen go to sleep mode

For Mac models with a Touch ID sensor, you can use the same key combinations but replace the Power button with the Media Eject button.

You can also activate Hot Corners, which puts your monitor to sleep when you move your cursor to a specific corner of the screen. Access this feature through the following steps:

  1. In the Apple Menu, click on System Preferences.
  2. Click on Desktop and Screen Saver.
  3. Click on the Screen Saver tab.
  4. In the bottom right corner, select Hot Corners.
  5. Select which corner you’d like to use when putting your Mac in sleep mode

Looking for more Mac OS tips? Curious to learn about our Mac services? Call us today to learn more.

Technology is the heartbeat of modern medicine, which is why IT expertise is a skill that’s growing in importance from year to year. With the increasing complexity in data systems, managed services providers (MSPs) are more valuable than ever.

Here are some things to look for in a managed services provider before you consider partnering with one.

They guarantee response times

When it comes to providing healthcare services, fast response is not the only thing that matters. You should always make sure that your provider guarantees response times, and that you’re able to contact them 24/7. In case something breaks or you come across technical issues in the dead of night, your best bet would be to contact your service provider, not to try fixing things on your own. Therefore, you need a provider who is able to give assistance whenever you need it most.

They support a business continuity plan

You risk putting your organization in jeopardy if your MSP can’t assist in your recovery from major outages or natural disasters. A business continuity plan is an absolute necessity in your healthcare organization — you simply can’t afford to lose all your valuable medical data in the event of a disaster. You need all the help you can get from your MSP to maintain redundant systems and manage automatic failovers.

They provide proactive security

In the world of healthcare data security, complying with HIPAA mandates is essential. Failing to meet regulations may result in huge fines, serious penalties, and even the withdrawal of your license to operate. The ideal managed services provider should offer core security services that include identity-based security and encryption, authorized privileges and access control, and data accountability and integrity.

They offer staffing services

Healthcare staffing shouldn’t be a hassle but, thanks to the changing dynamics of healthcare IT requiring a sophisticated workforce, that’s exactly what it can become. You need a managed services provider that assumes full responsibility for your clinical labor while providing you with a single point of contact for all your staffing operations, including account management, customer support, order placement, and more.

Choosing the right MSP can be time-consuming, but when you do make the switch, they can streamline your operations, reduce operational costs, and enhance workforce transparency.

If you want to learn how great technology and support can benefit your healthcare practice, get in touch with us today — we provide the perfect set of IT solutions and outstanding support to drive your organization forward.

More and more healthcare organizations are turning to managed services providers (MSPs) for their IT needs. This lets hospitals and clinics focus on being healthcare providers and not on being ad hoc IT professionals learning on the fly.

Here are some things to look for in a managed services provider before you consider partnering with one.

They guarantee response times

When it comes to providing healthcare services, fast response is not the only thing that matters. You should always make sure that your provider guarantees response times, and that you’re able to contact them 24/7. In case something breaks or you come across technical issues in the dead of night, your best bet would be to contact your service provider, not to try fixing things on your own. Therefore, you need a provider who is able to give assistance whenever you need it most.

They support a business continuity plan

You risk putting your organization in jeopardy if your MSP can’t assist in your recovery from major outages or natural disasters. A business continuity plan is an absolute necessity in your healthcare organization — you simply can’t afford to lose all your valuable medical data in the event of a disaster. You need all the help you can get from your MSP to maintain redundant systems and manage automatic failovers.

They provide proactive security

In the world of healthcare data security, complying with HIPAA mandates is essential. Failing to meet regulations may result in huge fines, serious penalties, and even the withdrawal of your license to operate. The ideal managed services provider should offer core security services that include identity-based security and encryption, authorized privileges and access control, and data accountability and integrity.

They offer staffing services

Healthcare staffing shouldn’t be a hassle but, thanks to the changing dynamics of healthcare IT requiring a sophisticated workforce, that’s exactly what it can become. You need a managed services provider that assumes full responsibility for your clinical labor while providing you with a single point of contact for all your staffing operations, including account management, customer support, order placement, and more.

Choosing the right MSP can be time-consuming, but when you do make the switch, they can streamline your operations, reduce operational costs, and enhance workforce transparency.

If you want to learn how great technology and support can benefit your healthcare practice, get in touch with us today — we provide the perfect set of IT solutions and outstanding support to drive your organization forward.

Healthcare trends point towards heavy reliance on tech such as telemedicine, mobile health solutions, surgical robotics, and most significantly, constantly evolving data management practices. Because of this, managed services providers (MSPs) are a valuable commodity.

Here are some things to look for in a managed services provider before you consider partnering with one.

They guarantee response times

When it comes to providing healthcare services, fast response is not the only thing that matters. You should always make sure that your provider guarantees response times, and that you’re able to contact them 24/7. In case something breaks or you come across technical issues in the dead of night, your best bet would be to contact your service provider, not to try fixing things on your own. Therefore, you need a provider who is able to give assistance whenever you need it most.

They support a business continuity plan

You risk putting your organization in jeopardy if your MSP can’t assist in your recovery from major outages or natural disasters. A business continuity plan is an absolute necessity in your healthcare organization — you simply can’t afford to lose all your valuable medical data in the event of a disaster. You need all the help you can get from your MSP to maintain redundant systems and manage automatic failovers.

They provide proactive security

In the world of healthcare data security, complying with HIPAA mandates is essential. Failing to meet regulations may result in huge fines, serious penalties, and even the withdrawal of your license to operate. The ideal managed services provider should offer core security services that include identity-based security and encryption, authorized privileges and access control, and data accountability and integrity.

They offer staffing services

Healthcare staffing shouldn’t be a hassle but, thanks to the changing dynamics of healthcare IT requiring a sophisticated workforce, that’s exactly what it can become. You need a managed services provider that assumes full responsibility for your clinical labor while providing you with a single point of contact for all your staffing operations, including account management, customer support, order placement, and more.

Choosing the right MSP can be time-consuming, but when you do make the switch, they can streamline your operations, reduce operational costs, and enhance workforce transparency.

If you want to learn how great technology and support can benefit your healthcare practice, get in touch with us today — we provide the perfect set of IT solutions and outstanding support to drive your organization forward.