Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

164 C_Biz IntelAre you getting a large amount of traffic to your site but not seeing a corresponding match in product or service sales? This is a head-scratching dilemma that many small business owners will face at one time or another. The reason behind it can be summed up in one word: engagement. A high amount of visitors doesn’t necessarily translate into engaged customers. Here’s how you can use Google Analytics to change that.

How do you measure engagement?

Just because a page receives a large amount of traffic, doesn’t mean it has quality content on it that visitors value. Half of the visitors to your most trafficked blog post or service page can easily bounce within seconds. So to figure out which pages your customers like, you need to measure engagement. And the easiest way to do that is by looking at the amount of time a visitor spends on a page.

Generally speaking, if a visitor is on a page for five minutes or more, they’re likely reading, watching or listening to some form of content you posted. Of course there’s the off chance that maybe he or she took an extended bathroom break after landing on your page or forgot to close it and continued surfing the web in another window. But if a consistent number of visitors are spending several minutes on a given page, you can feel confident that most of them are engaging with the content.

Why does engagement matter?

Simple. The more your visitors engage with your content, the more likely they’ll visit your website again or – even better – become a loyal customer.

You can measure engagement by following these four steps in Google Analytics:

1. Track engagement over a long period of time

We’re not just talking a month or two, but more like years. This will show you which pages are performing best in the long run. To do this, open Google Analytics. Then in the top right corner of the screen, input your date range and then click Apply.

2. Measure all pages

You need to look at time spent on all your pages to see what’s performing best. In the navigation bar to the left of your screen, click on the following in the order below:

  1. Behavior
  2. Site Content
  3. All Pages

3. Compare the average time visitors spend on a page

Under the main graph that displays visitor numbers to your site, you’ll see a search box with the word “advanced” next to it. To the right of that, you’ll see five buttons. Click on the second button from the right – the Comparison button. To be sure you’re clicking on the correct one, hover your mouse over it and the word “comparison” will pop up.

Slightly below the comparison button and to the left, choose Average time on page as your secondary metric.

4. Mind the Green bars

After you’ve followed the above steps, green bars will appear to the right of some of the pages displayed. The higher the bar, the greater amount of time a visitor is spending on a page.

With this data at your disposal, now you can understand what content your customers find valuable – and then focus on creating more of it.

Want to know more about how to gain valuable insights from your business data? Give us a call today.

164 B_Biz IntelWhen you were new to the world of websites and analytics, your goal may have initially been to increase your business’s site traffic to maybe 50 visitors a day. Once you hit 50, you then reached 100 soon after, and then 200. Yet with each higher traffic milestone realized, you didn’t see the corresponding sales conversion. What happened? When it comes to website analytics, it’s not all about traffic. Engagement with your site content is just as important. Here’s how to track your engagement metric using Google Analytics.

How do you measure engagement?

Just because a page receives a large amount of traffic, doesn’t mean it has quality content on it that visitors value. Half of the visitors to your most trafficked blog post or service page can easily bounce within seconds. So to figure out which pages your customers like, you need to measure engagement. And the easiest way to do that is by looking at the amount of time a visitor spends on a page.

Generally speaking, if a visitor is on a page for five minutes or more, they’re likely reading, watching or listening to some form of content you posted. Of course there’s the off chance that maybe he or she took an extended bathroom break after landing on your page or forgot to close it and continued surfing the web in another window. But if a consistent number of visitors are spending several minutes on a given page, you can feel confident that most of them are engaging with the content.

Why does engagement matter?

Simple. The more your visitors engage with your content, the more likely they’ll visit your website again or – even better – become a loyal customer.

You can measure engagement by following these four steps in Google Analytics:

1. Track engagement over a long period of time

We’re not just talking a month or two, but more like years. This will show you which pages are performing best in the long run. To do this, open Google Analytics. Then in the top right corner of the screen, input your date range and then click Apply.

2. Measure all pages

You need to look at time spent on all your pages to see what’s performing best. In the navigation bar to the left of your screen, click on the following in the order below:

  1. Behavior
  2. Site Content
  3. All Pages

3. Compare the average time visitors spend on a page

Under the main graph that displays visitor numbers to your site, you’ll see a search box with the word “advanced” next to it. To the right of that, you’ll see five buttons. Click on the second button from the right – the Comparison button. To be sure you’re clicking on the correct one, hover your mouse over it and the word “comparison” will pop up.

Slightly below the comparison button and to the left, choose Average time on page as your secondary metric.

4. Mind the Green bars

After you’ve followed the above steps, green bars will appear to the right of some of the pages displayed. The higher the bar, the greater amount of time a visitor is spending on a page.

With this data at your disposal, now you can understand what content your customers find valuable – and then focus on creating more of it.

Want to know more about how to gain valuable insights from your business data? Give us a call today.

164 A_Biz IntelFor businesses that want to track how much traffic their website is receiving, a Google Analytics account is a no-brainer. However, while it’s easy to use this powerful application to measure traffic, how do you know if those visitors are engaged with your website content or just bouncing the second they hit your homepage? Engagement is as important as traffic – follow the four steps below to learn how to track this metric.

How do you measure engagement?

Just because a page receives a large amount of traffic, doesn’t mean it has quality content on it that visitors value. Half of the visitors to your most trafficked blog post or service page can easily bounce within seconds. So to figure out which pages your customers like, you need to measure engagement. And the easiest way to do that is by looking at the amount of time a visitor spends on a page.

Generally speaking, if a visitor is on a page for five minutes or more, they’re likely reading, watching or listening to some form of content you posted. Of course there’s the off chance that maybe he or she took an extended bathroom break after landing on your page or forgot to close it and continued surfing the web in another window. But if a consistent number of visitors are spending several minutes on a given page, you can feel confident that most of them are engaging with the content.

Why does engagement matter?

Simple. The more your visitors engage with your content, the more likely they’ll visit your website again or – even better – become a loyal customer.

You can measure engagement by following these four steps in Google Analytics:

1. Track engagement over a long period of time

We’re not just talking a month or two, but more like years. This will show you which pages are performing best in the long run. To do this, open Google Analytics. Then in the top right corner of the screen, input your date range and then click Apply.

2. Measure all pages

You need to look at time spent on all your pages to see what’s performing best. In the navigation bar to the left of your screen, click on the following in the order below:

  1. Behavior
  2. Site Content
  3. All Pages

3. Compare the average time visitors spend on a page

Under the main graph that displays visitor numbers to your site, you’ll see a search box with the word “advanced” next to it. To the right of that, you’ll see five buttons. Click on the second button from the right – the Comparison button. To be sure you’re clicking on the correct one, hover your mouse over it and the word “comparison” will pop up.

Slightly below the comparison button and to the left, choose Average time on page as your secondary metric.

4. Mind the Green bars

After you’ve followed the above steps, green bars will appear to the right of some of the pages displayed. The higher the bar, the greater amount of time a visitor is spending on a page.

With this data at your disposal, now you can understand what content your customers find valuable – and then focus on creating more of it.

Want to know more about how to gain valuable insights from your business data? Give us a call today.

HealthcareIT_May25_AHealthcare institutions today are increasingly opting for mobile devices to increase their employees’ productivity and collaboration, and to deliver better patient care and customer service. Yet the benefits come with the potential risks of data breaches and threats. Without proper security measures in place, hackers could steal patients’ healthcare data and use it for personal gains. Protecting patients’ information is a must for your healthcare organization – here’s how you can secure healthcare data.

Encrypt data

Data encryption stops hackers in their tracks of stealing information. When you set up connected device systems with service providers, whether it’s cloud systems or data transfer channels, make sure that data traffic of the device and its software application is encrypted when communicating your institution’s private networks and those of your outsourcing providers’. Personal healthcare information can be compromised during the collection and transmission processes. Encrypt data to protect information from being stolen.

Protect passwords

When setting up a system, connected devices are automatically deployed with default usernames and passwords, most of which are all too familiar for attackers. After setup is complete and before critical information is collected and transmitted, you should change the password immediately. Also, the connected device network shouldn’t be configured in a way that exposes authentication credentials in your institution’s network.

Authorize devices

Privacy protection can be strengthened by securing device and authorizing permissions. The devices should be configured to prevent data from being accessed or removed by all others except the authorized device holders. Restrict devices from accessing data beyond its intended operation, and set up permissions so that the generated data can only be accessed by an authorized person with a need to handle the information.

Inspect personnels

One of the loopholes in healthcare data security lies in employees. Former employees – both of your healthcare institution, vendors and its subcontractors – can be the source of unauthorized disclosure. Check for potential data breaches regularly, detect and repair the damage before it spreads. Additionally, issue security policies and watch over your current employees to ensure good personnel practice. This is especially important at the network administrator level, since that manager holds the key to your healthcare data.

As a healthcare business owner you should enter into agreements with your IT service provider to ensure the connected devices and network system is up-to-date and protected by multiple layers of security.

If you want to learn how to protect your healthcare institution from hackers, get in touch with us today – our cybersecurity experts are on hands to help.

164_Biz V_AAs a small or medium sized business owner, you likely have your hands full. Between managing your staff, looking for growth opportunities and keeping clients happy, you probably have little time to dedicate to new technology purchases. Being so busy, it can be easy to make a mistake when choosing an IT solution. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of common IT investment missteps that every business owner needs to avoid.

Investing in the newest technology instead of the best fit

It’s the job of every marketer to make you believe the newest technology on the market will resolve all your problems. And while the latest cloud or virtualization offering is likely to make things better for many individuals and organizations, it isn’t going to work for everyone.

Don’t let the flash and hype of a new product deceive you. Take the time to think about the results you’re trying to achieve with technology. Make a list of them, and when you’re done match those criteria with the product that fits. Any good IT provider will be happy to serve as your consultant to ensure you make the best choice.

Believing everything will magically work together

As technology evolves, it is inevitably becoming simpler to use. Consumers want user friendly products and solutions that are easy to implement, and nowadays that’s what they’re getting – at least most of the time. Because of this belief that all products are going to be plug-and-play, many business owners hold the misguided assumption that any new technology they implement is automatically going to synchronize with their other IT. It is simply not true.

Though many technologies are compatible with one another, your business is taking a big risk – that could result in massive downtime and wasted money – if you implement a new tool that doesn’t integrate well into your current system and workflow. Be smart, do some research or consult with an IT professional before making a purchase.

Assuming your team doesn’t need support and training

Now that you’ve found the perfect fit technology and you’re sure it will integrate into your current IT setup, you go ahead and purchase it. You let out a sigh of relief as you kick back and let your sparkly new IT solution power your company to new levels of success and profits in a SMB “happily ever after” fantasy. Sound too good to be true? That’s probably because it usually is.

Don’t forget that not all of your employees are going to instinctively know how to use the new technology. Consult with your IT provider to see if they offer support and training. If not, you may want to look elsewhere or find an alternative solution before you buy.

Forgetting to create a budget

More and more IT solutions are packaged with pay-as-you-go monthly pricing. While this is a great way to help you avoid large upfront capital investment, if you implement too many different technologies too fast – and without thinking about the recurring costs – you could quickly run out of money before having properly created a complete technology platform.

Think about what you’re comfortable spending on IT before you open your wallet. Do some research, and either draft a budget on your own or acquire the assistance of a consultant to help you along.

Failing to get staff input

It’s wise to consult with the employees who will be using the new technology you implement, on a daily basis. It’s even wiser to do it before you purchase it.

The truth is that not all of your employees may be on board with the new product. They may actually even know some downsides to it you weren’t aware of. Regardless, it’s smart to consult with them beforehand, or you may find yourself in a constant fight getting them to adopt it.

Need to consult with an IT professional to create a complete technology solution for your business? We’re happy to serve you in any way possible.

164_Biz V_CBeing a business owner, you know more than anyone that making mistakes is natural and that you have to be willing to fail if you want to succeed. You also know you can accomplish more – and more quickly – if you can learn from the mistakes of others before making the same missteps on your own. This philosophy applies to many areas of business and life, but did you know that it also applies to IT? Here are five mistakes to avoid when investing in new technology.

Investing in the newest technology instead of the best fit

It’s the job of every marketer to make you believe the newest technology on the market will resolve all your problems. And while the latest cloud or virtualization offering is likely to make things better for many individuals and organizations, it isn’t going to work for everyone.

Don’t let the flash and hype of a new product deceive you. Take the time to think about the results you’re trying to achieve with technology. Make a list of them, and when you’re done match those criteria with the product that fits. Any good IT provider will be happy to serve as your consultant to ensure you make the best choice.

Believing everything will magically work together

As technology evolves, it is inevitably becoming simpler to use. Consumers want user friendly products and solutions that are easy to implement, and nowadays that’s what they’re getting – at least most of the time. Because of this belief that all products are going to be plug-and-play, many business owners hold the misguided assumption that any new technology they implement is automatically going to synchronize with their other IT. It is simply not true.

Though many technologies are compatible with one another, your business is taking a big risk – that could result in massive downtime and wasted money – if you implement a new tool that doesn’t integrate well into your current system and workflow. Be smart, do some research or consult with an IT professional before making a purchase.

Assuming your team doesn’t need support and training

Now that you’ve found the perfect fit technology and you’re sure it will integrate into your current IT setup, you go ahead and purchase it. You let out a sigh of relief as you kick back and let your sparkly new IT solution power your company to new levels of success and profits in a SMB “happily ever after” fantasy. Sound too good to be true? That’s probably because it usually is.

Don’t forget that not all of your employees are going to instinctively know how to use the new technology. Consult with your IT provider to see if they offer support and training. If not, you may want to look elsewhere or find an alternative solution before you buy.

Forgetting to create a budget

More and more IT solutions are packaged with pay-as-you-go monthly pricing. While this is a great way to help you avoid large upfront capital investment, if you implement too many different technologies too fast – and without thinking about the recurring costs – you could quickly run out of money before having properly created a complete technology platform.

Think about what you’re comfortable spending on IT before you open your wallet. Do some research, and either draft a budget on your own or acquire the assistance of a consultant to help you along.

Failing to get staff input

It’s wise to consult with the employees who will be using the new technology you implement, on a daily basis. It’s even wiser to do it before you purchase it.

The truth is that not all of your employees may be on board with the new product. They may actually even know some downsides to it you weren’t aware of. Regardless, it’s smart to consult with them beforehand, or you may find yourself in a constant fight getting them to adopt it.

Need to consult with an IT professional to create a complete technology solution for your business? We’re happy to serve you in any way possible.

164_Biz V_BRunning a business is time consuming. You likely are so busy managing staff, looking for growth opportunities and satisfying your clients that you have little time to search for technology solutions that can benefit your business. Even worse, you may be so frustrated with your current IT system that you make an impulsive technology purchase that causes more harm than good. To help you avoid this pitfall, we’ve listed five IT investment mistakes every business owner needs to be aware of.

Investing in the newest technology instead of the best fit

It’s the job of every marketer to make you believe the newest technology on the market will resolve all your problems. And while the latest cloud or virtualization offering is likely to make things better for many individuals and organizations, it isn’t going to work for everyone.

Don’t let the flash and hype of a new product deceive you. Take the time to think about the results you’re trying to achieve with technology. Make a list of them, and when you’re done match those criteria with the product that fits. Any good IT provider will be happy to serve as your consultant to ensure you make the best choice.

Believing everything will magically work together

As technology evolves, it is inevitably becoming simpler to use. Consumers want user friendly products and solutions that are easy to implement, and nowadays that’s what they’re getting – at least most of the time. Because of this belief that all products are going to be plug-and-play, many business owners hold the misguided assumption that any new technology they implement is automatically going to synchronize with their other IT. It is simply not true.

Though many technologies are compatible with one another, your business is taking a big risk – that could result in massive downtime and wasted money – if you implement a new tool that doesn’t integrate well into your current system and workflow. Be smart, do some research or consult with an IT professional before making a purchase.

Assuming your team doesn’t need support and training

Now that you’ve found the perfect fit technology and you’re sure it will integrate into your current IT setup, you go ahead and purchase it. You let out a sigh of relief as you kick back and let your sparkly new IT solution power your company to new levels of success and profits in a SMB “happily ever after” fantasy. Sound too good to be true? That’s probably because it usually is.

Don’t forget that not all of your employees are going to instinctively know how to use the new technology. Consult with your IT provider to see if they offer support and training. If not, you may want to look elsewhere or find an alternative solution before you buy.

Forgetting to create a budget

More and more IT solutions are packaged with pay-as-you-go monthly pricing. While this is a great way to help you avoid large upfront capital investment, if you implement too many different technologies too fast – and without thinking about the recurring costs – you could quickly run out of money before having properly created a complete technology platform.

Think about what you’re comfortable spending on IT before you open your wallet. Do some research, and either draft a budget on your own or acquire the assistance of a consultant to help you along.

Failing to get staff input

It’s wise to consult with the employees who will be using the new technology you implement, on a daily basis. It’s even wiser to do it before you purchase it.

The truth is that not all of your employees may be on board with the new product. They may actually even know some downsides to it you weren’t aware of. Regardless, it’s smart to consult with them beforehand, or you may find yourself in a constant fight getting them to adopt it.

Need to consult with an IT professional to create a complete technology solution for your business? We’re happy to serve you in any way possible.

SocialMedia_May25_CBusinesses today rely on social media marketing to extend their online presence to potential customers. If you’re interested in social media marketing, chances are you already have a Facebook account to announce your company’s latest news and products. But when it comes to social media marketing, Twitter is another powerful tool to drive more traffic to your business and increase brand awareness. Still unsure of how to use Twitter to great effect in your marketing attempts? Here’s what you need to know.

Tweet regularly

Consistent tweeting indicates an active, healthy profile. If you only tweet only once a week, or worse still once a month, most of your followers will forget about you. You’ve worked hard to get them to follow you, so make an effort to keep them engaged by interacting with them on a regular basis. Make sure you tweet relevant or useful information, content your followers will read, retweet, and favorite. Come up with a tweet schedule and refer to it when you’re running out of ideas.

Follow trends

It pays to stay on top of the latest happenings in your industry. Try to put your business in the light by following relevant hashtags and trending topics. This way you’ll always have something new to share with your followers. Add trending hashtags to your tweets, in order to reach new users that have similar interests.

Use visuals

People tend to understand visual content more than text. You should try to create a dynamic experience for your Twitter audience by adding different types of media to your tweets, such as images and videos, which are proven to receive more views, clicks, and shares than plain-text tweets.

Retweet great content

Don’t be afraid to retweet when you see something worth sharing with your followers. Retweeting somebody else’s Twitter content has its own benefits – you create a good relationship with other influencers on Twitter, and it shows your followers that you’re an active member of your online community.

Track mentions

Know what’s being said about you by tracking brand mentions and keywords. This is a great method to provide distinctive customer service or to reach out to new customers. For instance, when someone is tweeting feedback on your products or services, take the opportunity to respond politely. And when you see someone tweet about their needs for a specific service you can provide, jump in to the conversation and introduce your company.

Integrate with other marketing efforts

Twitter is much more effective when integrated with your other marketing activities, such as email subscriptions. For example, if you’re running a promotion or contest via Twitter, let your email subscribers know about it, since they are another customer base who want to receive messages from you – that’s why they signed up in the first place.

If you want to implement Twitter to your business’s social media marketing campaigns, get in touch with us today and we can help.

SocialMedia_May25_BSocial media marketing is one of many effective methods to expand your business’s reach to a wider group of audience that could eventually turn into potential customers. When we think of social media marketing, our thoughts immediately turn to Facebook. Yet there is another alternative social media platform worth looking into – Twitter. As a small business owner you should leave no stone unturned, so consider using Twitter to market your business and drive more customers. Here are some Twitter best practices.

Tweet regularly

Consistent tweeting indicates an active, healthy profile. If you only tweet only once a week, or worse still once a month, most of your followers will forget about you. You’ve worked hard to get them to follow you, so make an effort to keep them engaged by interacting with them on a regular basis. Make sure you tweet relevant or useful information, content your followers will read, retweet, and favorite. Come up with a tweet schedule and refer to it when you’re running out of ideas.

Follow trends

It pays to stay on top of the latest happenings in your industry. Try to put your business in the light by following relevant hashtags and trending topics. This way you’ll always have something new to share with your followers. Add trending hashtags to your tweets, in order to reach new users that have similar interests.

Use visuals

People tend to understand visual content more than text. You should try to create a dynamic experience for your Twitter audience by adding different types of media to your tweets, such as images and videos, which are proven to receive more views, clicks, and shares than plain-text tweets.

Retweet great content

Don’t be afraid to retweet when you see something worth sharing with your followers. Retweeting somebody else’s Twitter content has its own benefits – you create a good relationship with other influencers on Twitter, and it shows your followers that you’re an active member of your online community.

Track mentions

Know what’s being said about you by tracking brand mentions and keywords. This is a great method to provide distinctive customer service or to reach out to new customers. For instance, when someone is tweeting feedback on your products or services, take the opportunity to respond politely. And when you see someone tweet about their needs for a specific service you can provide, jump in to the conversation and introduce your company.

Integrate with other marketing efforts

Twitter is much more effective when integrated with your other marketing activities, such as email subscriptions. For example, if you’re running a promotion or contest via Twitter, let your email subscribers know about it, since they are another customer base who want to receive messages from you – that’s why they signed up in the first place.

If you want to implement Twitter to your business’s social media marketing campaigns, get in touch with us today and we can help.

SocialMedia_May25_AMuch of a business owner’s attention in social media marketing is directed towards Facebook. But Twitter is also a great platform to focus your marketing efforts on – and, when implemented properly, could give you a high return on investment in the long run. So how are you to leverage the power of Twitter to improve your business’s bottom line? We have compiled a list of top Twitter tips to get you started.

Tweet regularly

Consistent tweeting indicates an active, healthy profile. If you only tweet only once a week, or worse still once a month, most of your followers will forget about you. You’ve worked hard to get them to follow you, so make an effort to keep them engaged by interacting with them on a regular basis. Make sure you tweet relevant or useful information, content your followers will read, retweet, and favorite. Come up with a tweet schedule and refer to it when you’re running out of ideas.

Follow trends

It pays to stay on top of the latest happenings in your industry. Try to put your business in the light by following relevant hashtags and trending topics. This way you’ll always have something new to share with your followers. Add trending hashtags to your tweets, in order to reach new users that have similar interests.

Use visuals

People tend to understand visual content more than text. You should try to create a dynamic experience for your Twitter audience by adding different types of media to your tweets, such as images and videos, which are proven to receive more views, clicks, and shares than plain-text tweets.

Retweet great content

Don’t be afraid to retweet when you see something worth sharing with your followers. Retweeting somebody else’s Twitter content has its own benefits – you create a good relationship with other influencers on Twitter, and it shows your followers that you’re an active member of your online community.

Track mentions

Know what’s being said about you by tracking brand mentions and keywords. This is a great method to provide distinctive customer service or to reach out to new customers. For instance, when someone is tweeting feedback on your products or services, take the opportunity to respond politely. And when you see someone tweet about their needs for a specific service you can provide, jump in to the conversation and introduce your company.

Integrate with other marketing efforts

Twitter is much more effective when integrated with your other marketing activities, such as email subscriptions. For example, if you’re running a promotion or contest via Twitter, let your email subscribers know about it, since they are another customer base who want to receive messages from you – that’s why they signed up in the first place.

If you want to implement Twitter to your business’s social media marketing campaigns, get in touch with us today and we can help.

iPad_May22_CApple’s iPad isn’t the top-selling tablet it once was, as sales have continued to drop over the past few years. In a bid to rally sales, Apple has introduced a new iPad ad campaign, titled “everything changes with iPad”. The latest ad from Apple aims to show how individuals can use the iPad to change the way they do things everyday. It seems clear that Apple is trying to reimagine the iPad as a device for getting things done rather than as an entertainment device. Here’s an overview of the tech giant’s new campaign.

Why iPad sales are declining

The iPad’s initial sales growth has been in steady decline over the past few years, and there are many reasons behind it. For one thing, tablets aren’t like smartphones. More consumers are opting to buy bigger-screened iPhones, such as the iPhone 6 Plus. In addition, consumers usually hold on to a smartphone for a certain period of time, and then upgrade to a new model that promises better performance and new features. Tablets, on the other hand, have a much longer replacement cycle, with fewer advances in each new model release. They are usually passed between family members, reducing the need for new purchases.

“Everything changes with iPad”

Determined to turn things around with this new slogan, Apple has presented the new ad in a 90-second video displayed on its official website. The film shows adults and children using the iPad to assist with a variety of tasks – from cooking to picking up new hobbies, traveling, redecorating, learning, and communicating with loved ones.

Apple went a step further to promote its ad campaign by creating a dedicated marketing micro-site, and pooling in popular iPad apps like Green Kitchen, MailChimp, Google Maps, and Pinterest. These pitch pages provided solid reasons for us to consider buying an iPad – the argument being that it can change the way we do things every day. To cap it all, they have included a “Why iPad?” section, outlining the key features of an iPad and providing more justification for consumers to purchase one.

A deeper look into the iPad micro-site

Let’s take a closer look at Apple’s dedicated micro-site. It highlights the capabilities of an iPad to make the user’s life easier in many ways.

  • Cooking - If you need inspiration for out-of-the-box recipes, the iPad’s Green Kitchen provides you with creative ideas from some of the best chefs. Cooking is made easier with iPad apps that are able to show you a detailed recipe of your choosing, or instructions to make the most of the ingredients you have at hand.
  • Learning - Children can benefit and learn from interactive games that engage them through sight, sound and touch. Whether it’s visual puzzles, basic programming, stargazing, or academic lessons – the iPad has them all.
  • Small business - The iPad offers an array of productivity apps, allowing you to do business anywhere, anytime. From managing business appointments to tracking projects and making online payments, the iPad has opened new possibilities for business owners.
  • Traveling - The iPad could be a traveler’s new best friend, with its ability to book hotels and flights, display routes without the need for an Internet connection, and provide entertainment with its music and movie apps.
  • Redecorating - House decoration has never been easier. With the iPad, you can create an accurate floor plan without a tape measure. You can find fresh ideas from Pinterest to lighten up your rooms. DIY projects are also a breeze with the iPad’s step-by-step guides.

Apple is expecting an increase in revenue following the launch of this new iPad commercial. If you want to learn how to best implement the iPad into your office, give us a call today and we can help.

iPad_May22_BAccording to Apple, its iPad sales are on the decline, down to 12.6 million units from 16.4 million a year earlier. The tech giant has responded by unveiling a new advertising campaign that’s built around the tagline “everything changes with iPad”. The new ad highlights the many ways that each of us can use the tablet to assist in our daily life activities. Here’s what you need to know about Apple’s latest marketing campaign.

Why iPad sales are declining

The iPad’s initial sales growth has been in steady decline over the past few years, and there are many reasons behind it. For one thing, tablets aren’t like smartphones. More consumers are opting to buy bigger-screened iPhones, such as the iPhone 6 Plus. In addition, consumers usually hold on to a smartphone for a certain period of time, and then upgrade to a new model that promises better performance and new features. Tablets, on the other hand, have a much longer replacement cycle, with fewer advances in each new model release. They are usually passed between family members, reducing the need for new purchases.

“Everything changes with iPad”

Determined to turn things around with this new slogan, Apple has presented the new ad in a 90-second video displayed on its official website. The film shows adults and children using the iPad to assist with a variety of tasks – from cooking to picking up new hobbies, traveling, redecorating, learning, and communicating with loved ones.

Apple went a step further to promote its ad campaign by creating a dedicated marketing micro-site, and pooling in popular iPad apps like Green Kitchen, MailChimp, Google Maps, and Pinterest. These pitch pages provided solid reasons for us to consider buying an iPad – the argument being that it can change the way we do things every day. To cap it all, they have included a “Why iPad?” section, outlining the key features of an iPad and providing more justification for consumers to purchase one.

A deeper look into the iPad micro-site

Let’s take a closer look at Apple’s dedicated micro-site. It highlights the capabilities of an iPad to make the user’s life easier in many ways.

  • Cooking - If you need inspiration for out-of-the-box recipes, the iPad’s Green Kitchen provides you with creative ideas from some of the best chefs. Cooking is made easier with iPad apps that are able to show you a detailed recipe of your choosing, or instructions to make the most of the ingredients you have at hand.
  • Learning - Children can benefit and learn from interactive games that engage them through sight, sound and touch. Whether it’s visual puzzles, basic programming, stargazing, or academic lessons – the iPad has them all.
  • Small business - The iPad offers an array of productivity apps, allowing you to do business anywhere, anytime. From managing business appointments to tracking projects and making online payments, the iPad has opened new possibilities for business owners.
  • Traveling - The iPad could be a traveler’s new best friend, with its ability to book hotels and flights, display routes without the need for an Internet connection, and provide entertainment with its music and movie apps.
  • Redecorating - House decoration has never been easier. With the iPad, you can create an accurate floor plan without a tape measure. You can find fresh ideas from Pinterest to lighten up your rooms. DIY projects are also a breeze with the iPad’s step-by-step guides.

Apple is expecting an increase in revenue following the launch of this new iPad commercial. If you want to learn how to best implement the iPad into your office, give us a call today and we can help.