Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

Apple has a new idea to keep data safe for those moments when an iPhone can't connect to iCloud.

Disk storage has been spinning along happily since the 1950s. But it might be moving into its final decade before the flash memory usurper takes over.

DataGravity data information dashboard showing key data about storage array. DataGravity announced version 2.0 of its storage appliance today, one that focuses on data security, particularly knowing  what files you have and who’s been accessing them. When DataGravity emerged last summer with a new concept of data aware storage, it announced a number of key features, but it found that “customers were gravitating most around security at the point of… Read More
12packs-large I don’t know what kind of a situation one needs to be in to need a pack of condoms delivered in under an hour when there’s likely a fully-stocked convenience store within a 15 minute walk but one San Francisco-based startup has you covered here. L. Condoms is a startup in the current batch of Y Combinator that promises delivery of comfortable, paraben and glycerin free… Read More
The sunshine state is seeking a long-term solution to building a digital archive that will hold its 40 petabytes of data.

The SC4020 tries for the mantle of lowest cost-per-gigabyte for flash arrays at $1.66 per GB for all flash and 58 cents for hybrids.

Flash is a key component in the immediate future of storage, as collapsing unit prices force IT departments to re-examine their strategies, according to HP.

Greek users unable to pay for their online storage due to financial restrictions have been given a little breathing space.

Journey to private cloud starts now sign from EMC. When EMC bought cloud sync and share company, Syncplicity in 2012, it seemed the company was trying to change the way it does business, but three years later it’s selling out to private equity firm, Skyview Capital, perhaps ready to concede that a freemium cloud model doesn’t fit the company culture. It’s worth noting that EMC will maintain a stake in Syncplicity, but the… Read More
Working with encrypted data without decrypting it first sounds too good to be true, but it's becoming possible.

Enterprise storage has been evolving in recent years, as more data, and more kinds of data, enter the digital universe, and enterprises seek the most effective ways to manage and exploit it.

Finding a way to manage the influx of data is a top priority for most IT managers. Check out Tech Pro Research's latest research report to discover what changes are happening and what companies are doing about it.