Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

2015-01-21_1104 It was a very Windows day, with Microsoft unveiling lots more about Windows 10, the next generation of its operating system, including how it will work across mobile, tablet, desktop and other platforms. The biggest surprise was probably the new HoloLens augmented reality headset Microsoft created, and the Windows Holographic software it built to support said gadget. But there was more, too,… Read More
HTC-One-M8-4 HTC is said to be prepping a smartwatch for debut in March at MWC alongside its new One M9 flagship smartphone. The new smartwatch will tap into Under Armour’s fitness tracking software service, according to Bloomberg, but little else is known at this time about its design or features. The M9, however, is said to remember the M8 in terms of sign and looks, but will also feature… Read More
Edge comparison, 2011 MacBook Air and 2012 iMac It’s a standard Apple play to shave a few atoms off the waists of its gadgets come refresh time — allowing the company’s marketing department to crow about thinner flagships that also pack more power and boast better screens, or both. Read More
TC-applecast-post It’s our first ever TechCrunch AppleCast, and we’re starting things off with a long look at the Apple Watch and its companion app, as well as a discussion on the (still theoretical) 12-inch MacBook Air. We also dive into Swift, Apple’s new programming language, which is really heating up in terms of developer interest, and touch on App Store discovery and what could still be… Read More
Happy Google Glass wearers. When Google announced it was ending the Glass Explorer program yesterday and handing over the reins to Nest’s Tony Fadell, it seemed to exit with more of a whimper than a scream. Let’s face it, from its earliest days, people loved to hate Glass. In fact, from the moment Google announced Glass, people reacted harshly to the new technology. They simply hated the idea of nerds… Read More
ODG smart glasses Yesterday I got to play with a pair of augmented reality glasses from Osterhout Design Group, a San Francisco-based company that’s spent the last six years iterating on AR for military and industrial clients. Read More
apple watch A new leak of details from within the upcoming companion app for the Apple Watch claims to show some unannounced features we can expect from the wearable when it arrives sometime early this year. The dump of the app’s settings screens from 9to5Mac show panels that let users tweak how it handles Activity, Accessibility, Messages, Motion and Fitness and more on the watch, with plenty of… Read More
apple0288 At some point in the next few months (“Early 2015″ can’t push much past March, can it?), Apple will release its Watch, likely defining the high end of the wearable category. The Apple Watch is, in hindsight, exactly what Apple would make when entering a new category: a general purpose computer trimmed down to the essentials needed for its particular form factor. It shares… Read More
Apple_QuickTake_200_Digital_Camera Apple has been awarded a patent by the USPTO based on IP it acquired from Kodak in a deal from 2013, which details a remote digital camera system that can be controlled from a smartwatch (Apple Watch fantasists should note that this patent was originally created in 2012). The Apple patent specifically seeks to address flaws identified in the design of competitors including the GoPro HD… Read More
activite-pop-feature The $150 Pop is simply the best dedicated activity tracker that one can buy right now. For the simple reason that unlike the rest, it won’t just be shoved in a drawer and forgotten months, or even weeks after purchase. Basics Bluetooth 4.0 iPhone (4s or up) or iPod touch (5th gen or up) required, with Android coming soon Eight months of battery via CR2025 button cell 36.3mm face 100ft… Read More
img_2153-2 Apple has a new beta for iOS 8.2 out today, and the software contains a hint that suggests it could launch publicly alongside the Apple Watch. The mention of the Apple Watch is found in the Bluetooth menu, according to 9to5Mac, where a message at the bottom of the devices list directs users to head to a dedicated Apple Watch app in order to pair their new wearable with their smartphone. The… Read More
miiya Meet Miiya: a kids wearable that’s being designed to nudge kids to be more active, while also offering security features for parents to help alert them if their child has wandered too far away. Read More