Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

Workflow Apple Watch app Workflow, an app originally built to let you automate frequent tasks on your iPhone or iPad, is one of the few apps available on the Apple Watch that seems like it’s only a few iterations from the form it will have when the Watch is an established platform. Read More
TC-applecast16-9 On this week’s AppleCast, we discuss the overblown reaction to the news (gasp!) that people might steal your Apple Watch. There’s also more news coming in about potential Apple TV features, and the rumor mill in general is heating up ahead of WWDC, so we make some predictions about what we’ll see there, in terms of Apple TV, WatchKit and other potential developments.… Read More
With the Apple Watch dominating the news cycle, it’s easy to forget about the smart(ish) watches that have come before it. But while intelligent time pieces will come and go, I’m still deeply attached to my Withings Activité. The Activité is perhaps the only attractive smart watch. Apple Watch fans will blast me in the comments, but I maintain my stance: the Activité is a… Read More
TC-applecast16-9 This week we’re happy to have survived TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2015 intact, so we talked a bit about how the Apple Watch seemed to make that process a lot easier to handle. The device lets you focus on what’s happening around you, without missing things that aren’t, which is pretty much ideal for conference-going. We also discuss the ‘Made for Apple Watch’… Read More
made-for-apple-watch If you were hoping to build a third-party band for Apple Watch, then you now have some resources about the official way to make that happen. Apple posted details about its ‘Made for Apple Watch’ program on its website this week, revealing technical specifications related to how to build lugs that meet its standards, as well as providing info about how it will supply lugs itself… Read More
posture-io If you saw someone pushing an office chair through New York’s financial district this weekend chances are it was this guy: developer Joe Heenan, who’s just shown off a neat hardware hack aimed at improving office workers’ posture here at the Disrupt NY Hackathon. Read More
TC-applecast16-9 On this week’s AppleCast, we get into the Apple Watch experience, since we’ve both now been actively using them for at least a few days. We expand on our thoughts regarding the device at length in our extensive review, but here on the podcast, we talk about very different aspects of the device, including how first-hand experience differed from what we thought we’d find… Read More
Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 12.55.56 PM Apple has updated its Apple Watch support documentation, confirming that the device may have issues when worn by users who have wrist tattoos. The changes were added following a series of reports from new Apple Watch owners who found that their tattoos seemed to interfere with the smartwatch’s ability to track their pulse, or cause other problems. Apple now says that permanent and… Read More
apple-watch-feature The Apple Watch is now on the wrists of members of the general public for the first time, and opinions about its usefulness are flying fast and furious. Here at TechCrunch, we’ve been sharing our thoughts in an ongoing diary, featuring daily entries describing what it’s like to use the Watch as we become more familiar with the new gadget. Read More
Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 5.27.34 PM The Apple Watch is rolling out to customers, but it’s taking longer to get into user hands than some might like. A new report out today by The Wall Street Journal puts the blame for the slow rollout primarily on a shortage of Apple Watch Taptic Engine components, caused by issues found in the parts supplied by one supplier in particular. The WSJ author who penned the piece clarified… Read More
apple-watch-apps Apple CEO Tim Cook said on today’s company earnings call that there are over 3,500 apps available at launch for the Apple Watch, which is better than the 1,000 total that were ready for iPad when that device launched in April of 2010, and 7 times the 500 apps available when the iPhone’s App Store first debuted in July 2008. Read More
applewatch-7 Apple is “working very, very hard” to meet the strong demand for Apple Watch, Apple CFO Luca Maestri told Bloomberg Businessweek in the wake of the company’s earnings call today. Apple is facing demand that it hopes to largely catch up with by the end of June, according to the executive. “It’s been really great to see the reaction of customers since their… Read More