Steve Thomas - IT Consultant

psychic The world around us is screaming with signals our original five senses don’t detect. Unlike some snakes, we can’t sense infrared with our naked eyes and unlike ducks and geese, we don’t have a native intuition for magnetic fields. But we’ve got pretty incredible brains, which we’ve used to craft ways to augment our five basic senses for a very long time. Read More
applewatch-large The Apple Watch has landed, so to speak, with deliveries officially arriving to the first pre-order customers around the world. Apple’s first wearable device has enjoyed one of the longest pre-launch promotional cycles of any of its products, and with good reason – it’s a very different gadget from anything Apple has created before. We’ve had a few days to try out… Read More
apple-watch-drawer1 Many customers who ordered the Apple Watch have been receiving email notifications alerting them that their orders are “Processing,” despite being told when they placed their order that they wouldn’t ship until May or June. Apple has confirmed to TechCrunch that many Watch orders will indeed be at their doors a lot sooner than expected. Read More
bey-watch-feat Nothing separates the “haves” and the 1% like a prohibitively expensive consumer product. Whether it’s a Hermes Birkin Bag or a McClaren P1 GTR, there are some consumer goods that are almost impossible to purchase and almost impossible to knock off. It’s that exclusivity and false scarcity that you are paying for, in a sense. Read More
Apple Watch leather loop If you are among the 19 million people Apple predicts will buy an Apple Watch, I have some bad news for you — I’m betting there is an important feature missing from the watch that’s going to drive you nuts. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy one. In fact, I’m ordering one myself. However, this paradox illustrates an important lesson for the way companies… Read More
Apple Watch Siri What is the Apple Watch? The simple answer is Apple’s first smartwatch. In fact Apple calls it its “most personal device ever”. But early reviewers have wrestled with the raison d’être of the Apple Watch. Read More
invisible Flight or invisibility? The age-old question about which superpower one would choose unveils a preference for either showboating or stealth. When the same lens is applied to wearable technology, the question becomes rhetorical. We do not want to be overshadowed or defined by our devices. Rather, we want to retain a sense of agency. Technology should serve as a secret helper. Enter… Read More
TC-applecast16-9 It’s Apple Watch pre-order day! The new device went on sale this morning at just after midnight Pacific time, and now shipping times are extending to at least June across the product lineup. Our guest today, The Loop’s Jim Dalrymple (@jdalrymple), not only successfully ordered three but also went to the Apple Store in Palo Alto to check out the in-store experience. I also managed… Read More
Screenshot 2015-04-10 12.17.18 I’m just going to be honest with you. We record the Gadgets Podcast on Thursday and publish it on Friday. We can usually get away with it, but on the eve of Apple Watch pre-orders, we had a hard time faking it. In the time between recording, the Apple Watch went from being available only through the words of early reviewers to being up for pre-order to being delayed to June shipping.… Read More
apple-watch-event0396 Apple Watch buyers will have to queue virtually in order to buy the device, at least initially. A press release this morning from the company reveals that the first batch of Apple Watch orders will only be collected via the Apple Store application for iOS devices and the online Apple store site. Apple head of retail Angela Ahrendts confirmed this plan in the press release announcing pre-sales… Read More
new-droidcast-banner This week, we talk a lot about watches since the first salvo of Apple Watch reviews are out, and we can finally compare it in practical terms to Android Wear. We also discuss the Galaxy S6, which has every sign of being the best Android smartphone available. Our discussion of Android Wear jumps off from Google’s official blog post about the platform today, which seems like a meek response… Read More
FIRST-V1SION-PRODUCT4_LOW Smart garments are one of the fitness wearables Gartner recently pegged as having the “greatest potential for growth”. And lining up in that category is Spanish startup FirstV1sion, whose on-body sports wearable will be used during a broadcast of a Euroleague basketball match on Friday to deliver a first-hand player perspective of one of the teams to watching fans. Read More