HealthcareIT_Jun22_AWe’ve been hearing about nanotechnology for a while now, but it still seems a long way off. However, recent advancements in nanotechnology could revolutionize the healthcare and medical device industry, and change the landscape of healthcare delivery forever. Nanotechnology, the science of extremely small materials, holds the key to improving healthcare, from delivering drugs more effectively to providing better patient care and much more. You’re truly missing out if you’re not taking advantage of this groundbreaking innovation. Here’s how nanotechnology could change healthcare for the better.

Nanotechnology and cancer

The traditional method for curing cancer is chemotherapy, whereby patients take certain drugs to kill cancer cells before they spread. The powerful medication circulates in the bloodstream and directly damages the cancer cells that are growing and multiplying. But chemotherapy has the unfortunate side effect of also killing regular cells, which makes patients extremely sick and susceptible to other ailments.

Through the use of magnetic nanoparticles in a miniature resonance sensor, doctors are able to detect cancer early, increasing the patient’s chance of survival. Scientists have started using nanotechnology to devise a highly specific method of killing cancer cells. The process involves inserting nanotubes into cancer cells and exposing the tissue to laser light, heating up the nanotubes and killing the cancer cells while leaving the healthy cells unharmed.

Nanotechnology and brain disorders

Nanotechnology has made it possible for researchers to collect in-depth data on the human brain. By using nano-scale diamond particles, the brain’s activities are converted into frequencies of light that can be registered by external sensors, allowing researchers to study the brain in much greater detail.

With a microscopic size of just a billionth of a millimeter, nanoparticles are able to cross the blood brain barrier and access the brain’s remote areas. They have also shown tremendous potential in being a useful alternative to diagnosing and treating neurodegenerative diseases.

Nanotechnology and diagnostics

Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize the way we collect medical data. Doctors are able to distribute nano-scale diagnostic devices throughout the body in order to detect chemical changes on the spot. This allows for real-time tracking of a patient’s health status.

Diagnosis techniques based on nanotechnology also provide several advantages, including complete diagnosis and treatment with just one visit to the doctor, rather than needing multiple follow-up visits. Another benefit is the accurate and early detection of diseases, which allows doctors to potentially stop diseases before they can cause more damage to the patient.

Want to learn how you can implement nanotechnology into your medical practices? Drop us a line today and get advice from our experts.